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If you need the cast of Hamilton to remind you to vote, then you probably are too naive to be voting. But that’s exactly what the Dems need, as they would never hold onto power if not for America’s most ignorant voting base.

The cast of Hamilton released a song for the presidential election. Unclear what the goal of this was but it was so bad that your ears will still probably bleed if you watch it on mute.

That was awful.

Random question: How is portraying Alexander Hamilton through a hip-hop lens not considered cultural appropriation by the left’s standards?

“I’m not throwing away my shot!”

Like, okay?!?!? What does that even mean??

Was this intended to win over undecided voters in rural America? Because I don’t think this will do anything but remind people already voting for Kamala that they are voting for Kamala.

“Look it up, look it up, check your status at WhenWeAllVote.org, next DM or text three friends to check for sure they are registered in the state or city they live in now,” the cast sang. “Even better, you can show them how.”

This video is undoubtedly intended for low-IQ voters, it’s as simple as that. No one who actually knows the least bit about the issues will be convinced to vote by this. No serious person would think this does much of anything but hurt your ears.

If you need the cast of Hamilton to remind you to vote, that’s a sign that you’re too stupid to function and should not be voting. And if you thought this was bad I don’t recommend you watch the full version.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com

Technically, they didn’t really endorse Kamala in the video but most people voting for Trump won’t need to be reminded to cast their ballot.

“Vote for what’s right, Ham fam.”

Just being part of the “Ham fam” should bar one the right to vote but we no longer live in a serious country and it’s unfathomable that someone who has no business voting and is convinced to vote simply by this video has that right. This is what happens when breathing is the only requirement to participate in elections and it does nothing beneficial for this country.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com