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Kamala Harris sat down with Oprah Winfrey on Thursday night for a livestream that featured several Hollywood celebrities who vote Democrat. 

Bryan Cranston, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lopez, Chris Rock, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Ben Stiller were among the names to attend the event virtually on screen. 

Nothing says “Kamala Harris is for the middle class” more than “Look at all her celebrity friends.”

And that’s all the event was: a reminder that Hollywood elites are fully behind the Democratic Party. 

Or at least they pretend to be. Celebrities understand they will swiftly use their membership to the Ccool Kids’ Club and its many social and financial benefits if they do not at least pretend to be progressive.

Like much of Harris’ campaign, the event was not about policy. Policy was an afterthought. 

When Harris was asked about what she would do to secure the southern border – which voters consider just as crucial of a concern as the economy –  she provided one of her signature rambles that failed to address the concern.

“So it’s a wonderful and important question. I, you know, my background was as a prosecutor, and I was also the elected attorney general for two terms of the border state. So this is not a theoretical issue for me. This is something I’ve actually worked on,” said Harris.

After a brief pause, Winfrey had to interject and assist Harris with her answer. “So to answer Justin’s question .., now that that bill is gone and hasn’t passed, will you introduce [a new one]?” Winfrey asked.

“Absolutely,” the vice president responded. “When I am elected as president of the United States, I will make sure that bill gets to my desk and I will sign it into law,” Harris said, without offering any new policies on how to solve the crisis at the southern border.”

What would Harris’ bill entail? Unfortunately, she never specified.

The rest of the interview was highlighted by another strange remark in which Kamala threatened to shoot anyone who breaks into her home. “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” Harris said before descending into a cackle.

The vice president ended the livestream with perhaps her most bewildering word salad yet – and there have been many. 

Try to follow along:

We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do, that’s why everybody’s here right now. We love our country. We– we take pride in the privilege of being American and this is a moment where  we can and must come together as Americans, understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us. 

Let’s come together with the character that we are so proud of about who we are, which is we are an optimistic people. We are an optimistic people. Americans by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. We believe in what is possible, we believe in what can be, and we believe in fighting for that.

That’s how– that’s how we came into being, because the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions  for the love of our country, one of the greatest expressions of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body, freedom to be safe from gun violence, freedom to have access to the ballot box, freedom to be who you are and just be the love, who you love, openly and with pride. Freedom to just be.

How does she plan to accomplish that, whatever that is? Again, she did not provide any details. 

And we don’t expect her to.

See, Harris is not running on a plan. The Democratic Party chieftains installed Harris because they considered her a more viable threat to Trump than a mentally diminished Joe Biden. 

Harris’ job is not to draft or even understand policy. Her job is to get into office as a result of media manipulation and act at the behest of the party oligarchs who named her the nominee. 

Kamala Harris is a Trojan horse. She’s playing a role. The less she speaks, the better it is for her enablers.

But, hey, at least JLo says she likes her.

Free Speech Is On The Ballot In 2024 | Bobby Burack