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Just because you “legally possess a gun” that “does not mean” that Kamala will not “walk into [your] home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” according to a resurfaced video.

You may be wondering how someone who has threatened to violate your Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments all in one breath is inches away from becoming the most powerful person in the world. The answer to that is unclear but all we know is that she did not climb the political ladder by being the type of lady you bring home to your mother.

It’s unclear if Kamala is too stupid to function or just a radical communist who hates this country. Nonetheless, the things she’s said in the past should be grounds to disqualify her from ever holding office in America. However, we don’t live in a serious country and here we are.

According to the Daily Mail:

A newly resurfaced video of Kamala Harris shows her talking about law enforcement entering the locked homes of gun owners to make sure they are storing their weapons properly.

Harris spoke about the issue in 2007 when she was the district attorney of San Francisco during a press conference on new gun control laws with then-Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom and other city officials.

‘Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,’ Harris said.

Actually, that’s exactly what that means. So not only do we have this little thing called the Second Amendment but we also have this even smaller thing called the Fourth Amendment, which “protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.” It turns out that you have to be suspected of a crime for the government to even think about looking inside your home.

At the time, Harris repeated it was ‘time’ to enact the new laws and that it was ‘the right thing to do.’

Harris voiced her threat to check on gun owners even after Newsom argued earlier in the press conference that the legislation would not allow law enforcement to knock on everyone’s doors to make sure they were following the law.

Kamala is as dumb as they get. Here’s another time where she mocks your freedoms and threatens to destroy the Second Amendment, while also admitting in the same breath that she intends to ignore the Constitution.

“Hey Joe—instead of saying, ‘No we can’t’ let’s say, ‘Yes we can.”

She really is too stupid to function and it’s horrifying that she might become the most powerful person in the world. Fortunately, we still have checks and balances specifically in place for this precise reason.

Kamala does realize she works for the people, right?

– YouTubewww.youtube.com