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Country singer Elle King, who most of you probably don’t know because she’s one of them new-age country singers who ain’t exactly Loretta Lynn, continues to shove her Hollywood dad, Rob Schneider, under an 18-wheeler. 

Now, to be fair, Schneider hasn’t exactly been great to King, either. Fair is fair, and I have to call ‘em like I see ’em. Rob – who you only know from literally every single Adam Sandler movie – has been pretty outspoken about his conservative views over the years. 

That hasn’t sat well with his daughter, who is very much NOT aa conservative. Shocker! You mean to tell me someone’s 35-year-old daughter isn’t a conservative? You don’t say!

Anyway, Elle went on some dumb podcast I’ve never heard of called Dumb Blonde to talk about just how much she hates her dad, and things went off the rails … quick:

“I disagree with a lot of the things that he says,” she said at one point. “You’re talkin’ out your ass, and you’re talkin’ sh*t about drag and, you know, anti-gay rights, and it’s like, get f*cked. I do not agree with what he says.

“I go for like 4 or 5 years without talking to my dad. I put out my record and people finally started asking about my dad, and my dad called me and was like, ‘Don’t f*cking talk about me in the press.’

“I was a really, really heavy child. My dad sent me to fat camp. And then I got in trouble one year because I sprained my ankle and I didn’t lose any weight. Very toxic and very silly.”

Rob Schneider found an actual fat camp

Whoaaaaaaa Nellie! What a twist there at the end. Didn’t see that one coming! Hating Rob Schneider for his political views is one thing. Everyone hates everyone for their political views in 2024. It’s the way of the world.

But hating him because he sent you to FAT CAMP as a kid? That’s a bigger shock ending than The Departed!

Were you ever sent to an actual fat camp? I wasn’t, but I certainly should’ve been. I was a fat kid. There, I said it. No shame. I didn’t actually think they existed, though, beyond this classic little movie from Disney before it went woke:

Hilarious. Heavyweights was one of the funniest movies of the 1990s, and nobody talks about it anymore because it would be canceled so fast today heads would spin. 

Could you IMAGINE making that movie in today’s PC climate? My God. It would be chaos. Great movie, though. Can’t wait to show it to my kids!

Anyway, Elle was apparently a fat kid and mean dad Rob sent her to an actual fat camp. Wild. I need to know more details. What was it like? What did they do? What did they eat? I just need some more details, that’s all. 

Hopefully, she gives them out soon! Judging by her propensity to slam her dad publicly, I’d imagine we won’t have to wait long.