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America First Report

In the wake of the second attempt on his life, Donald Trump flagged the “highly inflammatory language” Democrats have deployed against him, such as the charges of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that the former president is a threat to democracy and so forth. When it comes to inflammatory language and outright hatred, it’s hard to top former CIA director John Brennan, author of Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Note the order in the subtitle.

The CIA is tasked to counter foreign threats to the nation, but with Brennan, CIA boss from 2013-17, the enemies are at home and there is no greater threat than Donald Trump. Brennan “carried a mental catalog of the many unfavorable impressions of Mr. Trump I had accumulated over the previous decades” a man relying on “intimidation, untruths, ruthless litigation and bankruptcy laws.” For Brennan, “no individual came close to Trump’s dishonesty, unabashed self-aggrandizement, and demagogic rhetoric.”

After Trump trounced Republican opponents in the primaries “it was undeniable that he possessed a charisma that allowed him to repackage his political snake oil as a magical national exlixir.” Brennan was “shocked at his electoral college victory” but could not understand how so many voters could back him for president. Nothing here about the damage done to the nation by the composite character president David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. As his CIA boss sees it, the voters must have been tricked.

Brennan decides that “Vladimir Putin personally ordered the influence campaign to boost Donald Trump’s election prospects while discrediting Hillary Clinton so that her anticipated presidency would be crippled from the start.” Undaunted recycles the Russia hoax, but there’s more to Brennan’s hatred of Trump. […]

Genesis Gold Group

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America First Report