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Oh, man, it’s already Thursday again. This week has flown by, but that’s perfectly fine with me as I get to sit down for one of my favorite parts of the week, the latest edition of True Romance with SeanJo.

Nothing gets a Thursday afternoon going like some romance. After that, it’s time to mow some grass, the Thursday Night Mowing League is currently in the middle of the playoffs, then we get some football.

Are the Thursday Night Football games the best games of the week? Not usually, but it’s football and I’ll take it. Not to mention the fact that True Romance and laying some stripes are also on the schedule this week.

There could certainly be some worse ways to spend your Thursdays. But enough about how awesome of a day we’re having before the weekend arrives. Let’s get into this week’s tales of love.

We’re going to take a look at a couple who have decided it’s better to practice free love than it is to force themselves to abide by the rules of a traditional marriage. What could go wrong?

Once we’ve navigated those waters, we’ll take a dip in a girlfriend who has been caught living a double life, and how there is actually a ton of opportunity there. Or is there? That’s why we do what we do here.

On paper there’s an opportunity, but that might not be where we end up as we play the game. This is going to be won or lost on the field. That’s just how it goes.

After we get through all of that, we’re going to wrap things up with a story of how rats in the walls brought a man and a woman together. This woman didn’t let a relationship get in the way of true love. She did what had to be done.

Married couple ditch traditional marriage to practice free love

Close your eyes for a second, take a deep breath, then dive in with a clear mind and an open heart. It all seems to come together after doing that. Let’s go.

A 25-year-old influencer by the name of Isabela Lima and her husband are here to show you that you don’t have to strap yourself down and hold yourself back following the rules of traditional marriage. You know, those pesky ones that strongly suggest you remain monogamous.

There’s no need for all that. They gave the traditional marriage route a solid two years before ditching it. Now they’re all in on free love and want others to join them.

I know your skeptical right now, but let’s hear them out. They might have some decent points that trigger the light bulb to go off.

“We’re here to show that love doesn’t have to be monogamous and that there is incredible freedom when you allow love to flow without restrictions,” Isabela told Need To Know. “Many of our followers feel pressured in their monogamous relationships. They come to us looking for a solution to this constant desire to ‘jump the fence.’”

Good news for those looking to jump that fence, the influencer couple has the solution, despite facing backlash online from those who don’t understand. Their idea of free love is spiritual.

“When we talk about free love, we are talking about freeing ourselves from the constraints imposed by society and finding a way of loving that is true for each of us,” Isabela said. “We are not here to please everyone.”

They’re offering up something different for those suffocating in a monogamous relationship. It’s worked for them, and it can work for you too. All they want is for people to “discover the transformative power of connecting with love in a more open and genuine.”

If you’re thinking that sounds like a more complicated way of saying they want to have their cake and eat it too, then you can just go ahead and add your name to the hater column.

That’s not at all what is going on here. They’ve unlocked something you haven’t been able to, likely because you’re holding yourself back with that silly monogamy stuff. They’re not running wild without any rules here.

That would be silly. They’ve got rules in place. They’re in a happy, fully functioning, loving relationship that happens to be more advanced than yours if you’re stuck in boringville.

Here’s what it all boils down to for them. Isabela says, “We believe that free love improves several aspects within the relationship, including increasing complicity and trust, improving communication, increasing libido and improving connection, among others!”

If that doesn’t sound like a party you want to be a part of you might be unwilling to break the chains needed to join it. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with free love?

Girlfriend caught living a double life

That’s a tough act to follow. Those two are obviously living the dream, well, someone’s version of the dream anyway. That said, we’re going to try to follow it.

This one is about a girlfriend who was living her version of the dream. She was having her cake and eating it too, by living a double life. According to the boyfriend who made the discovery anyway.

The 26-year-old says he found out his girlfriend of more than four years had been living a double life when he was scrolling through Instagram. There was an account with her name on it, so naturally he checked it out. That’s when he made the unfortunate discovery.

“So out of curiosity I looked at the account and I saw that she had posts of her kissing, and cuddling some one else,” he shared on Reddit. “We have been together for just over 4 years. And apparently she has been seeing this man for almost a year.”

He’s on the social media platform looking for some advice because he doesn’t know what to do. He’s angry, he’s hurt, and he’s still in love. She wants to apologize for living a double life and he’s not sure about that.

“As hurt, and angry as I am. I still care for her and love her at this moment. I’ve have been under a lot of stress and this has caused my mental health to plummet,” he continued.

“She keeps wanting to meet up and apologize to me. Do I give her the opportunity or not? I don’t have anyone I can turn to for advice or guidance. At this point I have no idea what to do. Do I let her apologize?”

He, of course, received advice about not letting his cheating girlfriend apologize. This isn’t a reason to break up, it’s an opportunity. See what she has to say, let her convince you to not break up with her, and then see how long it takes her to do it again.

Live a little. Why not? You’re young, and you’ve been presented with a golden opportunity here. You’ll find real love one day. I say let her apologize, then sit back and see how long she pretends her cheating ways are over. Ah, to be in your 20s.

Woman calls pest control, finds love

Now to this week’s grand finale. If you were expecting a threesome gone bad or some sort of bizarre situation where a messy relationship leads to people who shouldn’t be in bed together, in bed together, this one’s not for you.

We’ve got fireworks, but the kind that happens when a spark goes off between two people who weren’t expecting it. Is there some infidelity?

Not exactly. But the woman who found herself falling for the pest control worker did have a boyfriend at the time. Elizabeth Coll said the whole thing started when she was cat-sitting at her mom’s house.

The 26-year-old heard rats scurrying and squeaking in the walls and called for some help. Little did she know the man was going to help get rid of the pests and bring love to her mom’s front door.

“The noises of the rats running back and forth were truly my worst nightmare!” Coll told Newsweek. “My mom told me to schedule an appointment with a pest control company, and Terminix was the first to come up.”

Shortly after calling for help, tall, dark, and handsome showed up at the door. His name is Chad Piper and, despite sounding like one of those terrible holiday movies on Lifetime, he had a job to do.

He was there to find the rats and get rid of them. He just so happened to have Coll stumbling over her words as he did so. No worries, she eventually got hold of herself long enough to hit if off with the “rat-slayer.”

“I actually had a boyfriend at the time, so I was confused why I was so intrigued by this gentle giant,” Coll said. “I couldn’t quite tell if the attraction was more-so the result of the hero complex since he was just out there saving me from the critters.”

Soon she was texting friends about him, then not long after his visit, her long-distance relationship with her boyfriend fell apart. You hate to hear they didn’t make it, but all was not lost. The rat-slayer was still on her mind, so she set out to find him.

She didn’t have to wait long. The pest control professional followed her on Instagram. Everyone knows what that means, she had the green light to slide into the DMs and that’s what she did.

They set up their first date and have been together ever since despite the fact that he showed up in a Terminix-branded Prius that is referred to as the “Rat Mobile.”

“I can proudly and confidently say that our house is 100 percent rat-free, and it will be for the indefinite future. We have a dog that helps with that too, of course,” she said.

Now that’s love. That’s how you get going on a Thursday afternoon. Enjoy the rest of the day. Get that mow in, crack a couple open, and watch some football before you hit the office for the last Friday of summer.


Best of luck this upcoming week. I’ll be back for more romance on Thursday. Send questions, comments, stories, and whatever else you like my way. The inbox is open sean.joseph@outkick.com.