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A Haitian “community leader” from Springfield, Ohio says America “should” be open to allowing anybody from anywhere to migrate here.

Why? Viles Dorsainvil, the executive director of Springfield’s Haitian Community Help and Support Center, said America “should” do this because it’s allegedly what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

“America is a beacon of the world in terms of democracy, where they say that human [rights] have to be respected and where they say that they treat people with respect and dignity,” he told Fox News.

“I think the American forefathers made that clear, that America should be an open country for everybody,” he added.

Critics staunchly disagree:

Dorsainvil believes this anger exists because there’s a belief — that he thinks is false — that he and other migrants are here to take the jobs of American citizens.

“There is a group of people who believe that we are here to take away their benefits or whatever belongs to them or take away their job or whatever,” he said. “This is why … in this nonprofit, we work on implementing a cross-cultural education … to put on some events to help Americans understand our culture.”

“We have this kind of Q&A from time to time with some American friends and trying to see if we can implement more programs to educate the American friends that we have here. We also have programs to educate Haitians about American culture and what they should do to integrate into the community,” he added.

The good news for Dorsainvil and his mission is that Springfield community leaders have been very welcoming.

“The city is a welcoming city,” he said. “We have officials who are willing to work with the immigrants and local leaders as well. … Springfield is a very welcoming city apart from a group of people who believe that we shouldn’t be here.”

But it’s not so much that locals don’t want the Haitians around — it’s more so that the locals want the Haitians and other migrants and criminal aliens to BEHAVE. So far, they’re not behaving.

As an example, former Republican state Rep. Kyle Koehler pointed to all the car accidents that the recklessly driving Haitian migrants keep getting into.

“We do have a really abnormal number of car accidents that are happening,” he told Fox News. “And it’s not only the number but the severity of them. When you go on a street that is a 35-mile-an-hour speed limit, and there’s a car sitting on its hood, and I’m not talking about one, I’m talking about five or six accidents a week like that, you begin to wonder.”

During a recent city council meeting, one local woman spoke about the death of her mother-in-law by a recklessly driving Haitian migrant who was never punished.


“On Dec. 1st, I received a phone call that changed my life forever,” the woman began. “She [her mother-in-law] was collecting her trash can from her driveway when a car struck and killed her instantly.”

“A Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her. I say allegedly because, to this day, there’s been no punishment, not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving,” she added.

The Haitian who killed her mother-in-law wasn’t alone. Not by a long shot.

“Months before she was killed, I began to notice the reckless driving and complete disregard for our driving laws by some members of the Haitian community,” she continued. “It made me angry. But now my anger has turned to fear for the safety of my family and the citizens of Springfield.”

Another woman who testified before the city council spoke of Haitian migrants harassing her outside her home.

Vivek Saxena
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