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This is the kind of meme that only a Trump deranged lefty aunt on Facebook and a WaPo reporter would find even remotely clever.

But Catherine Rampell from the Washington Compost really thought she did something here.

I don’t know what’s more depressing. That this is considered a gotcha argument by a journalist or that 269k lefties actually liked this post.

(On its face, okay, maybe it’s sort of clever?)

But when you care about your neighbors, and when you see the reality on the ground, the answer is both/and.

Illegal immigrants and legal Temporary Protected Status (TPS) immigrants like those from Haiti are receiving welfare AND working in blue collar jobs.

Josiah Lippincott explains it simply:

In places like Springfield what we see is factory foremen praising Haitian immigrants as “good workers” because they are willing to work for roughly $9/hr as opposed to $25/hr like an American.

But the Haitian doesn’t mind because with the TPS program they can work AND receive welfare to supplement their income.

For the party that cares about “capitalist greed,” you’d think they’d care about Americans being put out of a job so that the fat cats at a manufacturing plant can rake in more dough using scabs.

And you’d think they’d care that American taxpayers are literally subsidizing these businesses who pay bad wages to migrants.

I get it. This is the kind of fodder that appeals to the ignorant mass of lefties.

But it’s unfortunate that this sort of propaganda works on, like, half of America.

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