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Texas Rep. Michael Cloud and Mike Adams: Americans should return to a culture of MORALITY and TRUTH

The Health Ranger Mike Adams and U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) both agree that Americans need to return to a culture of morality and truth based on Christian principles.

The two touched on this during the congressman’s recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.” According to Adams, the Founding Fathers and the things they put in place for the American nation are rooted in on principles of Christianity and faith. These principles have protected Americans even to this day, especially when they think about the First Amendment.

The Natural News and Brighteon.com founder emphasized the importance of the First Amendment, citing two examples. First was the arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram messaging app, in Paris. Another example was the arrest of Britons for simply tweeting their opposition to unchecked mass migration.

Cloud agreed, saying that the American people must realize that the issues they are facing as a nation certainly have a Washington D.C. component to fix it.

“The fact that we have a culture that’s walked away from absolute truth is not completely a D.C. issue. People think that politics is a leading indicator and sometimes it is, but a lot of times it’s the trailing indicator of culture. And this is where we have to get back to an understanding as a culture of morality and absolute truth,” said the congressman who represents Texas’ 27th district in the U.S. Congress.

“And we might disagree on what truth is, but we believe there was a truth worth finding, and therefore our conversation was about trying to find truth. Where truth becomes malleable and then you end up fighting these semantic battles over what you say versus the actual. You have this whole perverted sense of justice where the real crimes go unnoticed, and the semantical ones are the ones that are punished in order to keep control and to push down dissent.”

Even the government is walking away from absolute truth with its perverted policies

The Health Ranger also touched on the perverted and twisted policies of the Biden-Harris administration, such as the surgical mutilation of children seen in many American states. Only Texas, which Cloud represents in Capitol Hill, has passed laws at the state level to prevent it. (Related: Texas Supreme Court upholds ban on transgender surgeries for minors.)

Another policy he criticized was that of open borders. While Texas has passed laws or taken action to defend the southern border, the Department of Justice comes in and fights against the Lone Star State – a move Adams dubbed as “bizarre” and “beyond understanding.”

Cloud also remarked that Vice President Kamala Harris, the border czar and Democratic presidential nominee, has suddenly called for border security. But according to Adams, she is only good at stealing ideas from former President Donald Trump and will renege on her plans to build the border wall if elected.

The congressman agreed. “That’s what happens when truth isn’t important to a person. It’s what you need it to be in the moment to keep, control and maintain power. And it’s evil. There’s nothing righteous about it,” he told Adams.

According to Cloud, many Americans are frustrated at the government. But at the end of the day, Cloud said Americans need to realize that they didn’t get into this problem overnight. “We need to take big, bold action but even then, it’s going to take some time to dig ourselves out of the hole that we’ve created, and so that’s something to remember,” he said.

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Watch the full conversation between the Health Ranger Mike Adams and U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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