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National polls show that Trump and Kamala are locked in a tie but that may or may not be true, as a CBS reporter could barely find one Kamala supporter in Nevada.

CBS’s Adrianna Diaz visited restaurants all over the Silver State and only found one Kamala supporter, which seems to mean that the most popular presidential candidate is not so popular in Nevada.

Does that seem like they are talking about a candidate who is bringing so much joy to the American people?

Per the transcript from Real Clear Politics:

“What was really incredible is in every single restaurant, of the people willing to talk to us, we could only find one Harris supporter in every restaurant — and we left no stone unturned. I approached every single person, except for this one guy… But people are really excited about Trump,” she said.

Nevada is a key battleground state, which allegedly went to Biden in 2020.

LOL. It is a bunch of “bologna” that the media pretends as if the alien invasion has everything to do with migrants seeking a better life and nothing to do with all the freebies they get. And how insulting of the reporter to mock their intelligence like that.

“Oh, ThEy ArE jUsT sEeKiNg AsYluM!” LIKE GET REAL. Last time I checked, you don’t grant asylum to everyone who makes it here, that’s not how these things work.

Just think about it, if someone from a third-world country is offered free housing, food, a phone, and everything else for simply showing up, why wouldn’t they come here?

The worst part about this is that it’s done when Americans are struggling more than ever when we supposedly have a “housing crisis.” How will importing millions of foreign nationals help with any of that? Why are they prioritized for simply breathing when some citizens don’t even have a home?

The fact that they are shocked is comical, as they cannot comprehend why Americans don’t buy their propaganda.

Unfortunately, for Kamala, the great state of Neveda seems to want to make America great again, as there are too many competent voters for them to vote against their best interest.

Word of advice for CBS: Don’t insult Nevedian intelligence next time you visit.