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Try as they might, the Left can’t seem to tone it down. 

Give this video from Breaking 911 a quick watch.


Stacey Elizabeth Plaskett has been a nonvoting member of the House of Representatives since 2015. She represents the territory of the US Virgin Islands and has practiced law in New York, Washington, DC, and The Virgin Islands. This means she should know better than to say things like this, especially in today’s political climate. 

Luckily, you lovely denizens of X had a lot to say.

Tom seems to mirror many of the sentiments this writer has seen, and it makes one wonder how they can keep openly saying things like this, and no one notices or cares. 

It’s funny that you should say that APD because the Trump camp did just that, and our very own Doug gathered it up and put a little bow on it.

It certainly seems that way!



When they show you who they are, believe them; it is that simple. 

This writer does think it fair to mention that based on the chyron on the video, this is an older statement, but it also bears noticing that while the Left keeps calling out Trump for his ‘incitement,’ they never point out their own.

Edward here has the right idea. Can’t we get back to voting for not only the candidate with the best ideas but also the one most likely to try to do what they say they will do?

The good news is we are 50 days from an election, and you get to decide where we go from here. If your life has been better under Biden/Harris, vote accordingly. If not, then again, vote accordingly.