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The Left discovered that they can circumvent the pesky Constitution by getting into bed with corporations, and use the power of those corporations to do things like suppress free speech. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg confirmed this back in August.


So it should get everyone’s attention when a top lawyer for Google is helping Kamala Harris debate prep. Especially since Kamala Harris has promised to censor ‘misinformation’ on social media.

It’s also especially nefarious considering there’s currently a DOJ case against Google revolving around adtech.

More from The New York Post:

A top lawyer for Google in the search giant’s landmark trial with the US government is also a key adviser to the Kamala Harris campaign — and tech antitrust watchdogs are calling the cozy relationship “outrageous,” The Post has learned.

In a doubleheader that turned heads across the Beltway, Google attorney Karen Dunn last Tuesday delivered an opening defense in Virginia federal court against the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s lawsuit targeting its digital ad business – and then reportedly raced out of the courtroom to assist Harris that same afternoon with final preparations to take on Trump in Philadelphia.  

“You couldn’t have scripted this any better if you were writing a TV movie,” said Jeff Hauser, executive director at the Revolving Door Project.



So the lawyer for the defense is meeting with the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate — who also happens to by the sitting VP of the administration currently taking Google to court.

Seems sus to us.

She’s none of those things.

The foul is Kamala is the sitting VP of an administration whose DOJ is suing Google, and the lawyer is counsel for the defense.

That seems unethical.

But she grew up in a middle class neighborhood


A big problem.

Are we surprised? No.

But imagine the outrage if Trump met with a lawyer for a company his DOJ was taking to court. The media would melt down like Chernobyl.