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It appears there may be trouble in paradise. To be clear, Joe Biden has no idea what is going on so it’s not likely he is the one upset. In reality, fake Dr. Jill is the one angry as well as some of their most loyal staff. Joe is just mad he isn’t at the beach this weekend to play with his sand toys and look for shells.


Kamala had speeches memorized. She is not able to pivot on a moment’s notice and defend Lying Joe Biden. She was doing well to even get out sentences that weren’t rambling and incoherent.

Their boss was ousted in a coup. They’re mad.

Anonymous sources can only be used against Republicans, thank you so much. Any claims about a Democratic administration must have 2-3 primary sources on record and a Works Cited page.



How quickly the love for Uncle Joe died.

Agreed. It’s time they get things ready for the Trump administration to come in and fix things. Again.

That’s why it is so important to vote for Donald Trump! Endorsed.

Excuse you! Joe Biden is still very much still slobbering and drooling.

Exactly! Melania will be correcting all of Jill’s atrocious decorating choices.


Oh, please. No one is actually excited about Kamala. It was the candidate they were left with when Joe could barely talk at the debate. The fake ‘JOY’ and ‘excitement’ for Kamala is such a joke. That might fool some dumb Democrats, but no sane person thinks Kamala is a good candidate.