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America First Report

Chicago’s leadership faced intense backlash during a City Council committee hearing on Friday, as residents vented their frustration over the city’s irresponsible spending on migrants. Although the meeting couldn’t officially proceed due to a lack of quorum, the public comments were more than enough to expose the outrage simmering beneath the surface.

“Are y’all lying to us?” a furious Chicago resident demanded, pointing to the city’s alarming $400 million expenditure on migrants last year. With the city now grappling with a $235 million deficit, residents are demanding answers. “The city overspent to pay for people who haven’t contributed to our tax base while we’re left footing the bill,” the resident continued, echoing the sentiment of countless others who feel abandoned by the city’s open-borders agenda.

At the heart of the issue is the left-wing leadership’s unwavering commitment to spending taxpayer dollars on migrants at the expense of Chicago’s future. Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, one of the key proponents of these policies, suggested a November referendum to tax millionaires by 3 percent to fund migrant services, saying, “We have 120,000 millionaires who can pay their fair share.”

But this idea of “fair share” is enraging Chicagoans who see their city spiraling into economic disaster. The 50,000 migrants arriving by bus and plane from Texas are further burdening a city already stretched to its limits. These policies are not just hurting Chicago—they are killing America, eroding its institutions, its financial stability, and its national identity. […]

Controlling Protein Is One of the Globalists’ Primary Goals

Between the globalists, corporate interests, and our own government, the food supply is being targeted from multiple angles. It isn’t just silly regulations and misguided subsidies driving natural foods away. Bird flu, sabotaged food processing plants, mysterious deaths of entire cattle herds, arson attacks, and an incessant push to make climate change the primary consideration for all things are combining for a perfect storm to exacerbate the ongoing food crisis.

The primary target is protein. Specifically, they’re going after beef as the environmental boogeyman. They want us eating vegetable-based proteins, lab-grown meat, or even bugs instead of anything that walked the pastures of America. This is why we launched a long-term storage prepper beef company that provides high-quality food that’s shelf-stable for up to 25-years.

At Prepper All-Naturals, we believe Americans should be eating real food today and into the future regardless of what the powers-that-be demand of us. We will never use lab-grown beef. We will never allow our cattle to be injected with mRNA vaccines. We will never bow to the draconian diktats of the climate change cult.

Visit Prepper All-Naturals and use promo code “veterans25” to get 25% off plus free shipping on Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and other high-quality cuts of beef. It’s cooked sous vide, then freeze dried and packaged with no other ingredients, just beef. Stock up for the long haul today.

America First Report