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As you’re well aware, the Kamala Harris campaign has been avoiding solo interviews and press conferences ever since the Dems showed Biden the door and installed his VP as the party’s presidential nominee. They could only get away with that for so long, and now with under two months to go until Election Day, the Harris campaign decided it was time for a solo interview. This chat was just over ten minutes long and the interviewer was from a local Philadelphia TV station. 


In a single word, the interview was…


It’s now painfully obvious why the Harris campaign was trying to avoid this for as long as possible. We’ll start with Harris being asked to explain the difference between her policies and Joe Biden’s. After all, Harris is the “new way forward” candidate, so she should easily be able to explain why that’s going to be better than the old way forward we’ve seen for the last nearly four years, right? Wrong: 

As you’d expect, there were some huge word salads served up last night:

Biden did a better job of speaking to Trump’s voters when he put on a MAGA hat earlier this week.

There was of course a lot of Harris’ “unburdened by what has been” brand of alphabet soup: 



Some of Harris’ answers were almost exactly the lines she’d clearly rehearsed to use in the debate, such being asked a question that she would then dodge by trying to make her childhood relatable:

This is a lot of words that add up to absolutely nothing:

Something Harris did make clear is that she believes very strongly in the Second Amendment BUT…


Nothing says “I support the Second Amendment” quite like talking about the need to take certain firearms away from law-abiding citizens. At least she hasn’t threatened 2A supporters with F-16s or nukes yet. 

Watch the full interview and bask in the cringe:

Now the Harris campaign can say she’s done a solo interview, so we’ll see if they try to run out the clock and never, ever, have her do another one.