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The Left is relentless in their pursuit of confiscating our guns. They insist it’s only ‘assault weapons’ like the AR-15 — even though most gun crime is committed with handguns. We all know it’s a lie, and simply the first step to a full-on confiscation of guns like the one in Australia (one Kamala Harris supports).


So we don’t believe Newtown Action, a radical gun control group, when they insist an ‘assault weapons ban’ won’t take away guns already owned:

The AR-15 is not a ‘weapon of war.’

There are 22-40 million AR-15s in the United States. Stopping the production won’t take them out of circulation. It’s illogical to believe a ban on assault weapons won’t include a mandatory ‘buyback’ (read: confiscation) of millions of so-called ‘weapons of war.’

And you know how we know Newtown is lying? They locked replies.

Nope. We will not comply.

They define ‘assault weapon’ as ‘any weapon we don’t like.’

Today, it’s AR-15s. Tomorrow it’s handguns.

Very wimpy.

Because they know they’d get wrecked in the replies.



Agree on all points.

Good question.

Absolutely. Just like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz lied about guns this week.

Of course they’ll go after the guns we already own.

And — despite all of Kamala’s clamoring about an ‘opportunity economy’ — they’ll take away these jobs with family supporting wages because they don’t like the industry.

Bank on that.