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The most important work during a presidential campaign is the work you don’t see. It’s not about memes and trending on social media. It’s about voter contact and registering new voters. And if these numbers coming out of Pennsylvania and North Carolina indicate how Trump is doing in the other swing states, he is in an amazing spot right now.

CNN’s Harry Eten explained why Kamala is desperate for the Taylor Swift endorsement to pay off. Harris is doing worse with young voters than Biden at this time. Democrats hope the youths will vote for Kamala because their favorite artist tells them to. Even though Taylor didn’t quite tell them to.

Then he switched to the MASSIVE swing in voter registration.

Democrats’ advantage in Pennsylvania shrunk from +559K in 2020 to only +169K today. Biden won the state in 2020 by only 1.17%.

In North Carolina, it shrunk from +415K in 2020 to only +128K today. Despite the disadvantage in registration, Trump still won the state in 2020.

Now, here’s the thing: Registration on its own doesn’t say much. “Republican” is a box I checked on a card in 1992. I haven’t always voted that way. People’s political opinions may change, but not to the point they bother changing their registration.

THESE numbers are a CHANGE from the last election. That means that during the first four years of the Harris-Biden regime, it’s been so bad that more people registered to vote as Republicans or changed their voter registration to Republican. People who change their registration and/or only first register to vote do so because they know who they are and aren’t voting for in the next presidential.

People are either switching from Democrat to Republican or registering to vote as Republicans because of how terrible Kamala Harris has been for them and their families, and don’t want to run the risk of another four years.

Without a third debate, Harris won’t have a national stage to change people’s opinions. It’s all about the ground game now, and the GOP’s is trending in the right direction.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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