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Have you ever been cheated on?

While that might be impossible for some people to answer, the reality is we all know that some people are less than faithful in relationships.

It’s an unfortunate truth in life. Not everyone is a good and honest person. Some people – men and women – decide to jump the fence.

Are there ways to find out what’s going on without a full confession?

Cheating experiences go viral on Reddit.

That’s the topic of a mega-viral Reddit thread titled, “People who got cheated on, what were the early signs indicating that your partner might do it before they actually cheated?”

The answers might ruin your day if you’re someone who likes to believe in the best in people. Check out some of the responses below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:

  • I always find it unusual when i just start getting accused of cheating or an unusual amount of fabricated fights cos i immediately recognise a guilty conscience.
  • They suddenly stop caring/become mean
  • When they started using their phone in “secret agent mode” and suddenly had an inexplicable interest in “getting really fit” with someone who wasn’t you, those were the signs. It’s like watching a poorly disguised heist movie where you’re the last to know.
  • Acting like they hate a certain person like really dispise them when in actual fact they fancy them and are secretly seducing them.
  • Sudden interest in losing weight, distance, unwarranted anger at me, work trips away with late flights home, lack of interest in me or my family, lack of interest in sex (with me anyway). Looking back they add up but at the time it can be hard to put your finger on and in my instance I thought he was depressed (lol).
  • Look out for over explanation of simple things. When the dinner with her friend has a tv script attached to it you know something’s up Guess this is more for ongoing cheating but still applicable I guess
  • A hard shift in typical behavior, usually revolving around things that were previously public suddenly being secret. I caught my ex gf cheating bc she would usually talk about where/who she was with often. Then suddenly became vague about those details. She used to have me use her phone to look things up, and around that same time she suddenly was very guarded about where it was and wouldnt let me look. She also stopped sharing her work schedule. She got caught because she said she would be working a double, and I had already suspected some shenanigans, so when I casually walked in to her work (and not call her cell directly) to ask her something they said she wasnt there. I immediately called her cell and she said she was in her unit and not to disturb her. “If you were at work we would be having this convo face to face” and hung up. She knew it was over. We had the talk a few hours later and went our separate ways.
  • He checked out other women. Not just a bit, but in obvious ways. I’m also here to say that people that chase after that exciting feeling of love are, in my opinion, much more likely to cheat. They’ll always be searching for that feeling and you can’t give them that forever. They also give themselves away in small ways like saying all men cheat or that they’re “not a good person”. They’ll even say these in a joking way, but actually they’re telling on themselves. Also just a little extra note, stay away from men that disrespect older women or older people in general. It was a big sign that he wanted to cling onto his youth. People like that will usually cheat on you with someone younger someday because they hate growing old. Hope that helps!
  • I used to think cheaters were the hot and arrogant ‘Brads’ so I stopped dating the popular kids when I was a teenager, and went for the cute geek gamer type. Turns out he cheated on me; which was the most pain I felt when I was 27 because the thought never crossed my mind that someone I loved so much and someone I thought was so kind would be able to hurt me that bad.
  • Both my boyfriends have cheated on me. They were both gamer types. First one was geeky and awkward, second one was fit and relatively popular. Just shows there’s definitely no type of guy that cheats – if they want to, they will.
  • Also have to add: my first indication was this one time I took his vehicle to take the dogs to the park… One of them is a notorious crotch sniffer. She was overly interested in the front passenger seat. Knowing her inclination for a good crotch sniff, my mind immediately went to questioning who’s smelly c*but was sitting in that seat. Turns out he was having sex with the side chick in the front passenger seat. Dogs know.
  • We had a 15 year marriage. About 7/8 years in, I found men’s underwear beneath the headboard. There were 2 pairs and I thought it was very strange as I’d never seen them before, but she assured me that they were mine from ages ago. I always found this odd but never had any other indication of cheating. 12 years in, the exact same thing happens. I find a pair of socks that definitely isn’t mine. I would never buy them, they were of some show I’d never seen. She said they were a secret santa gift from a co-worker and I believed it. I still don’t know for sure about the first two times, but 3 years ago almost to the day I walked in on her having sex with our neighbour.
  • Increased phone use, change of habits, dressing better than ‘usual’, looking after themselves better, might mention someone often, being defensive when asked innocent questions, being distant, being aggressive towards you, story of where they were and with whom changes….etc etc
  • Weird feeling in your guts, when everything has been alright for years.
  • Being empathetic to their married friend who was cheating.

The biggest takeaway I have from most of these comments is that the phone appears to be the first sign. To be honest, I find this a shade odd, but I also fully admit I’m insanely protective of my phone.

There are two things I significantly worry about if people were to get their hands on my phone. The contacts list and text messages discussing things about very specific events and information related to those events that isn’t public. American Joyride listeners can probably take an educated guess about what I’m referring to without having to get into further details.

As I’ve told people before and I’ll say again, I’d destroy my phone before allowing someone to go through. Now, does my fiancée use it to Google something when she doesn’t have her phone? All the time, but nobody is going through my contacts or messages.

However, I guess my phone habits have never changed since I started having to be that way going back to around 2014. Also, on a principal point, I would never let someone look through my phone just for the hell of it and I would never ask to do the same. Shows a serious lack of trust.

Apparently, lots of people watch their partner’s phone usage as a potential red flag. It makes sense to some degree, but I’m sure there are layers to it. Did you get cheated on and how did you find out? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.