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Last night’s debate was what it was. It’s time to focus on the vice-presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, where I fully expect Vance to cook Kamala’s weird running mate like he’s a stray cat in Springfield.

The conventional wisdom (that tends to neither be “conventional” nor “wisdom”) is that choosing Vance was a mistake. I say this as someone who isn’t shy about criticizing the man who chose him (if you noticed my Twitter account for the past twelve hours), but I couldn’t disagree more. Vance has been a net positive and asset to the Trump campaign.

He may not poll well, but it’s not the job of the running mate to make friends. It’s the running mate’s job to play attack dog and sell the candidate’s agenda. JD Vance has been on point in both areas.

For a preview of Vance’s debate against Weird Walz, let’s take a gander at his two Senate debates against then opponent, career Democrat Politician Rep. Tim Ryan.

Ryan tried to hit Vance with accusations of “raaaaaaaacism,” the first card Walz (and the moderators) will play against him. Vance was accused of supporting what the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) call the “Great Replacement Theory.” It’s what they call it when someone questions why Democrats oppose any illegal immigration restrictions. That’s when they aren’t calling you a raaaaaaacist for thinking illegal immigration is a bad thing.

Here’s exactly what happens when the media and the people like Tim Ryan accuse me of engaging in the great replacement theory… my own children, my biracial children, get attacked by scumbags, online and in person, because you are so desperate for political power that you’ll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. … You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist, and this just shows how desperate this guy is for political power.

The other issue Walz (and the moderators) will focus on is abortion. Unmarried single women are the only demographic he and Kamala are still crushing it with. They’ve made it the focal point of their reelection. The issue came up during another Vance/Ryan debate.

At issue was a horrific story from 2022 where a ten-year-old girl was raped and is said to have had to travel out of state to get an abortion over a gross misinterpretation of Ohio’s “heartbeat” bill. This rare, extreme case was being used by Democrats to paint all Republicans as extremists for not supporting abortion up until birth.

Ryan attempted to do the same to Vance and failed. After Vance explained his REAL position on abortion as it’s specific to this case, he went for the jugular.

Why was a 10-year-old girl raped in our community, raped in our state in the first place? The thing the media and Congressman Ryan, they talk about this all the time. The thing they never mention is this poor girl was raped by an illegal alien. Someone who should never have been in this state in the first place. … You voted so many times against border wall funding, so many times for amnesty. If you had done your job, she would never have been raped in the first place.

Methinks JD Vance will do just fine against Weird Walz.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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