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According to the Surprise Mayor, American citizens are not to question the city’s manager’s salary, even though he’s working in the public sector. However, I just checked this little thing called the “Bill of Rights” and nowhere is there a clause where a city official shall demand compelled speech of his constituents. Subsequently, the City of Surprise, Arizona might be getting a surprise.

A mom was arrested last month after daring to speak out against a salary increase during a city council meeting. However, this is America and that’s why she’s suing these tyrants into oblivion for violating her First Amendment rights.

According to The Post Millennial:

Rebekah Massie, 32, a frequent vocal community participant in city council meetings, complained about the city attorney’s salary before the council on Aug. 20. Massie, who had attended the meeting with her 10-year-old daughter, then found herself handcuffed and taken into custody, Fox News reported.

Conor Fitzpatrick, Massie’s attorney with the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), said his client was fingerprinted and given a “pretty invasive patdown” when she was detained for at least two hours. He said the matter violated her Fourth Amendment rights.

The incident occurred after Surprise Mayor Skip Hall abruptly cut off Massie during her three minutes of allotted time behind the podium. He accused Massie of violating policy by “attacking the city personally.” Massie fired back at Mayor Hall: “I could get up here and I could swear at you for three straight minutes, and it is protected speech by the Supreme Court.”

How dumb are these people? Even a second grader knows that the most basic reason for freedom of speech is to “attack the city personally”. It’s intended to air your grievances to the government, not make city employees happy.

“Public officials are elected to serve the public, not silence them,” Fitzpatrick told Fox News. “They might disagree with what the public has to say, there’s nothing in the law that says that they have to do whatever the public asks of them, but they do have to listen.”

I guess the mayor is a bit confused, as his sole purpose is to protect the freedoms of Americans.

This mistake was such a blatant violation it’s hard for him to cry ignorance, as it’s impossible to be that naive and still remember to breathe. But clearly, both the officer and the mayor were on some arrogant power trip and thus, they should both resign immediately.

– YouTubeyoutu.be