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So. About that debate, huh?

It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the disaster some feared (or hoped) it would be. But the one takeaway — based on what this writer has seen in her X feed is that it did not move the needle favorably for Kamala Harris.


This poll, especially, is revealing:

Two percentage points isn’t a big shift, but it is a shift. And it’s a negative shift for Kamala Harris.

The economy is, and will remain, the biggest issue of this election. Americans are hurting, and they remember that they had more money in their pockets, and could afford gas and groceries, when Trump was president.

Kamala Harris is the second half of the Biden-Harris administration, was the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act (which did not reduce inflation), and has praised the failed concept of ‘Bidenomics.’

It’s that easy and straightforward.

The price of eggs is up 147%, beef and bread is up 50% (and Kamala herself admitted this).



All of this.

And when the media and Harris team lie about what Americans are experiencing, it does them no favors.

Every poll this writer has seen said Trump won the debate.

Make of that what you will.

It shows Trump is 18-20 points up on her.

And let’s be real — if Trump had lost ground, even two points, that would be headline news.


It’s going to be a slug fest until November, but she did herself no favors last night.

It’s all about the economy. Especially this year.

Well played.