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Democrats are giddy about their prospects for flipping Florida from red to blue in November and are counting on two hot-button amendments to motivate their base to turn out in record numbers.

When it comes to the left – and especially women – there is nothing more dear to their hearts than protecting abortion, an emotional issue that overrides such trivial concerns as staggering inflation, the illegal alien invasion, and the threat of a nuclear World War III, all of which are realities under a continuation of the Biden-Harris regime.

With Amendment 4 on the ballot to enshrine the right to deprive the unborn of their right to live and Amendment 3 to legalize recreational marijuana to appeal to potheads, Democrats are optimistic that they can increase turnout enough to overcome that Sunshine State’s solid red GOP dominance under Governor Ron DeSantis.

A new Morning Consult poll shows Democrat nominee Kamala Harris trailing former President Donald J. Trump by just two points in Florida, with another poll by The Hill/Emerson College showing Democrat Senate hopeful Debbie Mucarsel-Powell a point behind incumbent GOP Senator Rick Scott, both touted by Democrats as proof that they can flip the state.

“It’s all the same story,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried, according to The Hill. “We wouldn’t have had to have an abortion amendment if the Republicans hadn’t taken our state in such an extreme direction.”

“People are just tired. They’re tired of the chaos. They’re tired of the show. They’re tired of the rhetoric,” added Fried, a failed state gubernatorial candidate and former weed lobbyist.  “You’re seeing that with the momentum shift for Kamala Harris.”

“There’s a lot of things moving in Florida,” said Mucarsel-Powell Communications Director Lauren Chou. “There is a lot of new energy on the ground in Florida, a lot of hopefulness that I think comes with having fresh leaders.”

Still, it’s going to be a tough rock to roll for Democrats to overcome a severe disadvantage in Florida, a state carried by Trump in 2020.

Also, in 2022, DeSantis pulverized his hapless Democrat opponent, party-switching former governor Charlie Crist in his reelection bid with the GOP sweeping to big wins in the solidly red state.

According to a recent Associated Press report, Florida now has one million more registered Republicans than Democrats, putting the left-wing party at a severe disadvantage and left to stake their hopes of regaining relevance on the hope that baby killers and dopers will be inspired to vote for their candidate.

“Given how Florida has moved from Barack Obama in 2012 narrowly winning the state of Florida to today, 12 years later, it’s just a totally different Florida,” Florida-based Republican strategist Ford O’Connell said, according to The Hill, referring to the GOP’s overwhelming advantage in registered voters.

“Nobody has been more successful at winning close elections in the Sunshine State than Rick Scott,” O’Connell said of the former governor and incumbent senator.

Harris has yet to extensively devote her time to campaigning in the state, leaving the work up to surrogates.

“Florida is Trump country” and the state’s voters are ready to send Scott and Trump back to Washington,” Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement to The Hill.

“Floridians are lining up to reject the Biden-Harris agenda of higher costs, open border, and violent crime,” Hughes added.

If there are to be any big surprises in Florida, it will be because of abortion – the central tenet of modern leftist dogma – rather than the appeal of Harris herself, and the enshrining of the terminating the lives of those yet to be born into the state constitution is much bigger than people believe that it is.

Chris Donaldson
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