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Last night, ABC host David Muir made extra sure to ding Donald Trump for suggesting that the 20,000 Haitian illegals who have been dumped in the town of Springfield, Ohio, are not actually killing and eating the local wildlife and pet population.

The media is running with that “fact check” because they are terrified that this might make the establishment look bad.

The problem with their assertion (apart from the fact is that it’s from a bureaucrat who is incentivized to not make himself look bad) is that it doesn’t actually prove there is no problem. Consider the phrasing.

And from the Springfield Police:

The city bureaucrats right now:

What’s interesting about their assertion is that there is a 911 recording of a man reporting Haitians who were carrying wild geese, which means it should be on their “radar.”

I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand…

We even have notes from the call:

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The issues are bigger than cooking up waterfowl. Much bigger.

Before we get to the pet-eating claims, lets look at the bigger picture.

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira is one man who decided to go interview residents in person.

In his most viral video, a veteran tells Oliveira that he couldn’t get the Medicaid treatment he needed because the system is overwhelmed by illegals. Oliveira then talked to the security guard at the local welfare office, where he was told the illegals outnumber Americans coming in for food stamps, Medicaid, and other services by NINE TO ONE.

Likewise, guerrilla reporter Tayler Hanson traveled to Springfield and talked with this woman about Americans being passed over while illegals get all the social services our taxes pay for:

Another major issue is that the illegals are somehow affording cars and driving them without licenses or registration.

These anecdotes are not without evidence. Consider this testimony from a grieving daughter:

“There has been no punishment.”

And what about this one from June:

Kaitlyn’s question is a fair one. Why should Americans have to pay thousands for insurance every year and go through the hassle of navigating government licensing and registration fees when people from thousands of miles away – who are in this country illegally – are able to drive and crash cars without any cost of consequence?

These Haitian migrants have also been able to push Americans out of Springfield’s strained rental market:

The problem is so bad that the city wrote a desperate letter to U.S. senators earlier this year.

Now let’s circle back like Jen Psaki to the issue of animals being butchered by the Haitian illegals:

I’ll leave you with this woman’s testimony. Imagine your city next, and then think about how ABC News wants to hide the problem. 👇

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