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It’s debate night once again in these United States of the Americas. When last we had a presidential debate, Joe Biden sh*t his pants (figuratively, though I’m sure literally as well) so bad that the part of Joe Biden is being played by Kamala Harris. Reprising his role as Donald Trump will be Donald Trump.

It’s the most important presidential debate in the most important presidential election of eleventy lifetimes. Everything is on the line tonight! It’s make or break. It ALL comes down to this. And a few other cliches about epic importance. Feel free to include your favorite!

Most important for Donald Trump is one key thing. Don’t take the bait.

Kamala Harris telegraphed her strategy and plan, and her only play was to bait Donald Trump. That’s why it was so important for her to have live mics, even though the rules had already been agreed upon. She needed to have Donald Trump interrupt her just so she could have her “don’t manterupt me, I’m speaking moment.” That way CNN and NBC News could have been all “YAAAAAASSSS SLAY KWEEEEEEN!” People could’ve made dumb TikToks about it.

There is even a news report that her campaign was planning on ABC News changing the rules for her (or baiting Donald Trump into agreeing to change them). Her campaign prepared for rules that didn’t exist, and now they’re scrambling. Plan for a desperation move where she pulls a Hollywood The West Wing move and attempts to bait Trump into changing the rules for her on the spot once the debate is live. Call him chicken, challenge his manhood, etc. DON’T TAKE THE BAIT.

Muted mics aren’t just the agreed-upon rules; they’re the rules that Trump has been training for. It would be like training for a three round fight and your opponent tries to talk you into twelve. Stick to the game plan. Don’t get baited into hers.

Once the debate starts, Kamala is going to run down the greatest hits. “Insurrection!” “Suckers and losers!” “Very fine people!” “Inject bleach!” “34 felonies!” “Orange man bad!”

They are talking points that haven’t worked for the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) so far, and Trump needs to not take them personally. Everything needs to go back to the Harris-Biden record and every radical position Kamala is on record holding. Remember, SHE hasn’t changed her mind about any of it. Anonymous staffers talking to the media claim she did. The one time they left Kamala to speak in public, she said her values hadn’t changed.

The thing with presidential debates is that it’s rare for someone to “win” as much as it is for someone to “lose.” Trump loses if he gets baited into talking about himself as opposed to what a disaster the Harris-Biden regime has been for the American people. He needs to keep going back to that.

Kamala loses any time Americans hear her speak. Trump needs to let her do so uninterrupted.

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– YouTubeyoutu.be

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