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On Twitter, you will find no shortage of leftists demanding that the government take away Americans’ firearms by force. Usually, these demands come in the form of a low-follower account that promises to go door-to-door confiscating weapons. We generally don’t highlight those random accounts at Twitchy, but the universal reaction to these stunning and brave tweets is everyone laughing at them, or inviting them to come and give it a try, or both at the same time. 


When it comes to Democrat politicians and gun confiscation, however, there is always a dance. The pols who want people’s votes know this is a horrible idea, not to mention blatantly unconstitutional, so they try to hide their intentions with vague statements like ‘Well, we have to do something.’ 

No, you really, really don’t. 

But they obviously want to. This was the case yesterday when Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock appeared on Meet The Press. Warnock’s presence on the show was no mistake, as NBC News wanted him there to politicize the recent shooting at a high school in Atlanta

Notice the dance. Warnock is asked a simple question and then speaks for nearly two minutes about ‘doing something.’ But when pressed on the issue (and we’re a little bit surprised that he was pressed at all), he clearly states that he supports buyback programs. 

As a reminder, the person who Warnock supports and who he was representing yesterday, Kamala Harris, was much less ambiguous about supporting mandatory buyback programs. 



Harris doesn’t dance very well (literally and figuratively). This is why her presidential run in 2020 went nowhere. And also why her star is falling in the current election, despite the media painting her as the second coming of Barack Obama (she kind of is that, but not in a good way and not in the way the media means). 

Oh, we believe them. We know they want to disarm citizens. Gavin Newsom says it nearly every week. 

Yes, it is important that conservatives call this what it is: confiscation. It is not a ‘buyback.’ 

That word doesn’t even make sense, considering that no Americans buy their firearms from the government. 


We’re quite certain the ABC moderators will NOT ask Harris about so many of the positions she ran on in 2019 and 2020 that she is trying to hide from today. 

But hopefully, Donald Trump will bring them up tomorrow night. 


It’s almost like there is a word to describe many of these policies that the Democrats support. 

Oh, right. That’s the word. Thanks. 

Gosh, it’s almost as if the Founding Fathers knew that a government cannot be trusted with power over an unarmed citizenry and specifically wrote the Second Amendment with that thought in mind. 


As the world-famous Ramen King once noted about the First Amendment, ‘It’s right there. You just gotta look it up.’

We love that clip. It will live in the Internet Hall of Fame forever. 

HA. Nice callback. Yes, Warnock did use his car as a weapon against his ex-wife. The left has tried to memory-hole that incident, but we haven’t forgotten

She will certainly try, as evidenced by her own words and the words of her campaign surrogates.

And that means not only voting for Trump, but also voting for Republican Senate candidates, House candidates, and any other conservatives in local elections this year. 


No American ever should. At least not voluntarily. And definitely not under a government-enforced mandate. 

We all know the Democrats don’t care about the Constitution. At the end of the day, it is just a piece of paper and it will never stop them from trying to impose their authoritarian will on the American people. 

At least for now, however, we are still a Constitutional Republic. And we can send a resounding ‘NO’ to the left and their tyrannical ambitions to take away everyone’s firearms this fall.