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Duality of Kamala: Jen Rubin Gushes Over Harris Being More Progressive AND More Conservative Than Biden

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We’re not even sure what to say to this. Jen Rubin has had some really idiotic takes (and we mean really idiotic), but this may be her crowning achievement:


Excuse us, but WTF?

For starters, she has defined her economic philosophy by what she is not proposing. She fully supports the Affordable Care Act, eschewing more progressive plans for Medicare-for-all. (Her stint in the vice presidency informed her belief that the latter was unnecessary; expansive and affordable coverage, if properly administered, is more than sufficient to move toward universal coverage.)

Likewise, huge investments and incentives in green energy make a fracking ban unnecessary. “My values have not changed,” she explained in a recent CNN interview, pointing to the achievements in the Inflation Reduction Act. “What we’ve already done creating over 300,000 new clean energy jobs. That tells me from my experience as vice president we can do it without banning fracking.”

This writer lost IQ points reading this drivel.

Which is completely on-brand for Rubin.

Trump broke her brain.

And every day she sets the bar even lower.

The cognitive dissonance is breathtaking.



It really does.

Jen threw away all pretense of honesty and journalistic integrity because of Trump.

It sure is.

It’s not worth using as fish wrap.

We will have to do a welfare check on Jen Wednesday morning.

Get you a significant other who fawns over you the way Jen Rubin fawns over Democrats.

Her case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is terminal. 

And WaPo lets her publish this drivel.


She sure is.

After Kamala repeatedly said Bidenomics was working.

Same vibes.

Presented without further comment.

Whatever it is, she should adjust her dose.

No lies detected.

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