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Ah, Ana Navarro. You should’ve stuck to stupid theories about why the Right is ‘scared’ of Kamala (we’re not, but you do you). It made you look slightly less idiotic than this absolute fail:


We’re not sure what the dunk is here, exactly. Is she trying for a ‘gotcha’ moment because the image is Our Lady of Guadalupe?

Because if that’s it, she’s wrong (shocker, we know). Our Lady of Guadalupe is just another name for the Virgin Mary, who appeared in Mexico to Juan Diego in 1531. The feast day for Our Lady of Guadalupe is December 12.

Today, September 8 is — on the Catholic calendar — the birthday of the Virgin Mary.

The other possibility is so idiotic that it might be the truth, because this writer’s initial thought was Ana was saying virgins don’t have birthdays.

Either way, Ana is a moron.

No, clearly she doesn’t.

She sure is.

This writer is so glad she’s not the only one who read the post this way.

The Left will beclown themselves repeatedly if they think they’ll get an own on Trump.



It sure has.

‘BUT ORANGE MAN BAD!’ — Ana, probably.

This writer has been laughing the entire time.

1) We have no idea, 2) yes she is.

Guess not.

If Ana had done five seconds of research, she would have realized that Trump was correct on both the date and the imagery.

But she didn’t.

Which is fine. Cause now we get to mock her.

And she deserves it.