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The Biden administration is pathologically incapable of telling the truth about the “migrant” crisis at the U.S. border. They seem to pick responses at random, including:

  • There is no migrant crisis
  • Well maybe there is but it’s Trump’s fault
  • Yeah there are lots of migrants but it’s actually a good thing

They can’t even accept the reality of the job they gave to Vice President Kamala Harris, who Joe Biden put in charge of figuring out the “root problem” propelling so many foreign nationals to jump over the very lightly guarded U.S.-Mexico border. The Democrats and the mainstream media (to be redundant) dedicated almost a week of the news cycle to shrieking about how “border czar” was not Harris’ official job title, as if that mattered. (Watch below for just a few examples)

Even the words the administration uses—sadly, conservatives have adopted this language, too—is dishonest. Have you noticed that over the past year, the terms “illegal alien,” and “undocumented immigrant” have disappeared? We’re now all supposed to call them all “migrants,” as if the millions of aggressive military-aged young men pouring into America (breaking the law) were simply jolly travelers with a knapsack on a stick coming to the Hard Rock Candy Mountain. 

Never mind the 4,000 Venezuelan “migrants” who trashed a Target parking lot in Colorado last week and fired guns into the air in what the Aurora police tepidly called a “gathering.”

The Wall Street Journal has put together a chart using data from the Congressional Budget Office showing that more than 70 percent of the “migrants” who entered the country under Joe Biden did so illegally. 

Unsurprisingly, X/Twitter users on that thread were not happy with the situation. 

“Bourbon Moon” asks a question we’d like to know the answer to; Democrats seem to have a death wish. 

Tamas asks another, and we suspect we’re never going to be told the truth about this. 

Well, yes. 

Readers, what do you think the total number of illegals is under Biden? And do you think we’ll ever be able to trust the numbers from any government? 

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