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Have you seen this meme floating around?

Unfortunately, the meme has been proven right again.

…posting images of the gun, expressing desires to target an elementary school, expressing frustrations with the acceptance of transgender people…

This is CNN saying this, ladies and gentlemen. C.N.N.

Beyond this, according to The Daily Mail, the shooter’s father told the FBI in 2023 that his son was “bullied for being gay.”

‘It was very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on,’ Colin Gray told an investigator, according to a transcript of the conversation obtained by DailyMail.com.

The father added: ‘It went from one thing to another… I was trying to get him on the golf team… [they were like], “Oh, look, Colt’s gay. He’s dating that guy.”

‘Just ridiculed him day after day after day.’

When you see people like the lieutenant governor of Minnesota wearing shirts like this…

Peggy Flanagan

…Understand that it is not mere noise. There are people – particularly young kids who have been taught by their teachers, Hollywood, and the White House – that suppressing “trans rights” is an apex evil that they must fight.

And when young, impressionable boys from broken families come to believe in that mission, they create plans to “solve” the problem in the same way that young terrorists solve problems the world over:

All boys long to slay dragons. Trans ideology tells them we are the dragons.

Such shirts and rhetoric are popular among left-wing Antifa types

I don’t want to get into the weeds of opinionated commentary, but look at that photo of Minnesota’s lieutenant governor again.

She is the right-hand woman to Gov. Tim Walz, the running mate of Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.

Walz has made Minnesota a sanctuary state for both abortion and transgender surgeries for children (removing genitals and putting kids on chemical castration meds to stall puberty).

Such ideology is poison and death and suffering … packaged as a kindly old man. Its gospel grows a certain type of fruit.

Their deaths are the fruit. 👇

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