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“My dad came out and talked to them. He figured out that I’m getting arrested for a terroristic threat.”

Today is the first day of school in parts of America. Kids have their first-day fits checked. Supplies are packed with a sensible lunch. The kid who got the 152 pack of Crayola crayons is ready to be the Don of the first grade (shout out Tony D’Angelo). And bets are made to see which student will get arrested because their teacher is a nincompoop. If you put money down on Indicas Koonaloak-Young from Colorado, collect your winnings. Youngblood was arrested for quoting a meme.

It’s not even a pro-Trump meme. You can almost understand if that was the case since teacher’s union members can’t indoctrinate the class if a student is acting all BASED on the first day. The offensive meme that has now gone on Indicas’ permanent record?

“My main goal is to blow up.”

I’ll let Koonaloak-Young take it from here.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com

My main goal is to blow up. That’s all I could get out before the teacher interrupted me. The full meme is my main goal is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody.

My teacher said, “you’re going to do what?” I explained what the meme was, and she didn’t believe me.

The student was sent to the principal’s office and suspended. If the story stopped there, it would be embarrassing for the educational system enough. Then police showed up at his door.

The 6th grader’s father, Bino Villanueva says his worst fear is that he will have to watch his son get handcuffed and taken to jail after their court appearance Wednesday.

“That’s my worst fear,” Villanueva said. “I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know if I’ll freak out. I feel like I’m going to collapse already. I keep thinking they are going to take him away.

Police tell the media they “cannot” comment on juvenile cases. In this case, I’d say they WON’T comment out of embarrassment. Ten bucks says the officer sent to the house was one not competent enough to do actual police work involving real criminals, so they send her out on bullsh*t calls like this one.

I can almost understand the initial concern. Another popular meme has played out in the real world way too often.

However, and this part is key, the person who is going to blow up in the literal sense DOESN’T ADMIT SO OUT LOUD ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Jeremy didn’t speak in the FIRST DAY of class today, no matter what dumb political opinions Eddie Vedder has this week.

Indicas said something tongue-in-cheek, and I’m sure his classmates reacted to it in a positive sense. Everyone wants to blow up and forget the little people. The kid sitting next to him probably dapped him up. The teacher thought the dap was a gang sign and has that student on a watchlist.

The teacher, who was neither very demure nor very mindful, didn’t understand how a TikTok or the internets work. Though, they may have done Indicas a favor. Getting arrested on the first day school? Mans is a legend now!


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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– YouTubeyoutu.be

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