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Those running the campaign for the back-door selected Democrat candidate are doing their best to keep voters unaware of several primary aspects about their candidate, such as: Her voting record as senator, her positions on key issues, as well as her disastrous performance as part of the Biden-Harris Administration. That is not all they do not want the voters to know. Here are seven more items they are doing their best to keep under wraps:

HOMETOWN: BERKELEY VS. OAKLAND — Harris was born in Oakland, California, a large city that borders the smaller, radical city of Berkeley. Having lived in the Bay Area, and driven through sections of both cities, it is hard to tell where one starts and the other begins. However, when one reaches the center of both communities, you know for sure where you are at. Berkeley, long known as “Bizerkley” is likely one of the most radical cities in the country. Harris in fact grew up within walking distance of the Campus of Cal, where her mother taught and participated regularly in campus demonstrations. So why the silence on this point?

FORMATIVE YEARS IN CANADA — In 1976, Kamala’s mother accepted a position at McGill University in Montreal, moving Kamala and her sister to Canada. Kamala spent the next eight years in Canada, from age 12 to 19. Those years, middle school through freshman year at Vanier University, are key years in the development of a maturing adolescent. This could be spun as an advantage, giving Kamala claim to a better understanding of the world and a deep respect for Canada. Yet, she rarely speaks of this period of her life. The reasons are unknown, but the silence is telling.

HER FATHER: DONALD HARRIS — Kamala’s parents divorced when she was seven, engaged in an apparently divisive custody battle for the kids, with her mother being granted sole custody of both children. Her father remained at Stanford and Kamala lived with her mother in Canada. A 1976 article in the Stanford Daily student paper described him as a “Marxist scholar,” and said detractors felt he was “too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-classical economics.”

Harris was also described as a leading figure in the small group of economists who posited alternative visions to neo-classical mainstream thinking about markets, and focused on the importance of “income distribution long before income inequality” became a widespread concern. Knowing that, one would think the two of them would get along like Marx and Engels.

The relationship between father and daughter was distant and often strained. He did not attend her swearing in as VP, preferring to not be involved in politics. The subject of their relationship is rarely discussed, being purposefully avoided in the media. The parallel in their political thoughts regarding state control resulting in equality for the masses is likely a subject she would prefer to avoid as she pretends to be a political moderate.

WILLIE BROWN – Once the most powerful politician in California, Brown, age 60 at the time, had lost some of his power when he and then 29-year-old Kamala developed a relationship. However, he still had the power to ensure that the young Harris was appointed to two well-paying (about $250,000 per year in 2024 dollars) patronage positions in state government. There is always two sides to a story and the truth often lies in the middle. But the fact that the Democrats wish to avoid this apparent corruption tells us that the elements of truth in the story are potentially damaging to Kamala and are best kept under wraps.

ETHNIC HERITAGE – Half East Indian, half black Jamaican is the real ethnic makeup of Kamala Harris. No reason to be embarrassed or ashamed of either side of her heritage. But, using her mixed identity, to garner votes from one side or the other is rather distasteful, and this she has done over the years. She was raised by an Indian mother after the divorce. One example of her racial pandering is her Kwanza story. The “holiday” and celebratory Kwanza period was developed in the mid ‘60s, but did not gain wide recognition until years later. We are asked to believe that as a child, raised in Canada by an Indian mother, with no father in the house, made this an important part of her life? No, not buying it. The deceptions and mixed messages of ‘Black’ Kamala vs. ‘Indian’ Kamala are not helping her with either community. This subject is another one that that the powers that be wish they could sweep under the rug.

HER — Elections are decided not by those who are well informed on the issues and have an honest difference of opinion on what is best, but by that curious group in the middle: those who are either uninformed or misinformed and fall into that ‘undecided’ category. Thus, elections can turn not on facts, but on perceptions. Today we see a campaign for Harris being run by a collection of former Obama acolytes who are working to create a perception of Harris, one not based on the facts of her life, but on what they want that curious group in the middle to believe. In an effort to increase their probability of success they have to make sure that the American electorate does not find out who and what she really is: an advocate for a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. Succinctly stated, she is a statist. Yes, there are elements of Marxism, socialism, and communism in her approach and support for various bills and changes. But all those fall under the umbrella defined for a statist. She and those on the radical left want absolute power over the people because they feel they are the only ones deserving of that power.

The key to understanding their abject hatred for Trump is to come to the realization that they recognize he is the only one truly standing in their way.

Image: AT via Magic Studio