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All is not well in Kamalot…

According to an Axios report, Kamala Harris’ campaign team is fraught with tensions as competing factions within the campaign battle for control of strategy and messaging.

From Axios:

Why it matters: New people are remaking the campaign on the fly. The result is a large and at times unwieldy team, with internal worries about cohesiveness when inevitable stumbles arise, six people involved in the campaign tell Axios.

Biden’s campaign was insular, with a few long-serving aides making big decisions. The Harris campaign has become a diffuse “Frankenstein” team with multiple power centers.

Zoom in: Harris kept most of Biden’s team in place. But the main architect of the Biden campaign’s messaging strategy, Mike Donilon, has left and returned to the White House.

Harris has brought on her own staffers along with prominent aides from President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, while also keeping many top Biden campaign officials.

Between the lines: Harris’ team has been wary of making the Biden people feel set aside. But that has led to some internal confusion about who’s in charge.

“The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity,” one person involved in the campaign told Axios.

Full report over at Axios: