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There have been times recently when you can about smell the panic in the air from Democrats and their toadies.

I don’t imagine it’s been helped that Kamala couldn’t even manage a dead cat bounce coming out of the DNC – surely they were counting on some little bit of spark to reboot the last two months of the campaign. 


During their carefully orchestrated convention, they featured a tightly scripted Eau D’ Joy as their headliner, complete with a goofy, spastic, rubber-faced sidekick for good measure (like, every Disney heroine has a cuddly comedic foil, you know). 

And they got bupkiss out of it for their efforts.


Now, a complicit and compliant media is trying too hard to make up the difference and rework what their truly mediocre, third-tier presidential candidate lacks in gravitas, accomplishments, and plain old likeability. They don’t want to fill in the blanks; they want to completely rewrite the script as if none of us had any idea who any of the players were.

You thought the “border czarina/NOT the border czarina,” “last person in the room/NEVER saw the room before in her life,” “we love #Bidenomics/why are eggs up 50%” revisions were pretty nervy on behalf of the new and improved Kamala Harris?

You haven’t seen anything yet.

Now the press is going after J.D. Vance for having the unmitigated temerity to suggest – IN PUBLIC, IN FRONT OF GOD AND EVERYBODY  – that the Democratic nominee for president…Jeebus, I can hardly say it…but here I go:



It’s true. Vance did that.

Well. He “tried” to, according to *checks notes* Politico.

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance started his Rust Belt sweep this week by attacking Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on the economy and pushing a message of protecting American jobs in the battleground state of Michigan — a key swing state that polls show Harris is leading in.

Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies — saying at one point that “Kamala Harris has been calling the shots” — while also warning of China’s emergence as an economic superpower that’s taking jobs away from the U.S.

The astute political observers bolstered by “fact checks” at that publication imply Vance failed and could not connect Biden-HARR…wait.

That has a familiar ring to it…


Community notes have also been added, correcting Politico’s pretty sickening and blatant obfuscation.

It’s been off to the races with ridicule raining hot and heavy upon their little, pointy press heads. Sadly, the inane Politco Xweet seems to have only been a precursor of the trend.

A stubborn and obstinately biased 4th estate is happily compounding the damage by continuing to present their romanticized, fictional account of the campaign of some random woman we’ve never, ever met before.


A pith helmet is all the national press needs to complete the search for this mythical candidate.

Then again, none of this is for our consumption. 

The frantic fabricators of these fables will be happiest if we take no notice of them at all while they are busy feeding their pithy pablum to the lesser informed among us.


We are witnessing the most amazing and severe case ever documented of convenient collective amnesia.

It kind of pith-es me off that they believe they can get away with it, with every new, breathless installment of “Who’s That Girl?” that’s released.
