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The fact that Kamala’s supporters know nothing about her, while her opponents know everything about her, is rather telling. Comparatively, when Sleepy Joe was running for the POTUS, people could at least name something he’s accomplished. The fact that the unelected candidate is worse than Biden is unfathomable, especially because he did more interviews while having dementia.

Nonetheless, please enjoy this video of Kamala supporters proving they only support her because the powers that be demand it.

Does an “accomplishment” have to be a positive thing? If not, I can name many “accomplishments.” This includes ruining the economy with her tie-breaking votes, successfully overseeing an alien invasion, and crushing the middle class. Those are probably her three biggest “accomplishments” and there’s a reason she’s running against her demise.

Additionally, when they claim she was a “very good VP” that really means she was the perfect puppet for the invisible bureaucracy, whether they know it or not.

What’s infuriating about the left promoting that she’s a woman and has a certain skin tone is that it’s not only significantly insignificant, but it’s not something that can be achieved. She was born that way and had nothing to do with it, and the fact that the Dems celebrate this is deranged and unsurprising for the party that solely relies on identity politics and fear-mongering.

The fact that these people vote is the most unsettling part of that video. Not only will they probably never research anything beyond what they passively see on social media, but they will STILL vote for her all because someone, somewhere told them that Trump is literally Hitler.

If you cannot name the accomplishments of the politician you support then you have no business voting, but these types of people are exactly how the Dems stay in office, as they would be nothing without this country’s most naive voting base.

To call these voters useful idiots would be an understatement.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com