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At this point, Kamala Harris is going to claim she’ll pardon the January 6th trespassers and have Hillary Clinton arrested. Her campaign wants us to believe she is going to build the wall. Build the southern border wall. Build Donald Trump’s southern border wall. The southern border wall that Trump was a xenophobic raaaaaaacist for wanting to build. THAT border wall.

We know Kamala Harris is trying to reinvent herself as a border hawk (tuah girl) with the help of lapdog journalismers:

Last week, she featured DONALD TRUMP’S WALL in an ad about how she is going to close the border. Yes, the same border she is responsible for now. Both the border and the crisis at the border.

It’s all part of a plan. Her campaign now claims she changed her mind and supports building the wall. Her CAMPAIGN claims this. Like everything else she has allegedly flopped on (if you’re chuckleheaded enough to believe she has), Kamala hasn’t said anything with her own words. It’s a campaign official speaking on background to the media, in this case Axios.

Per Axios, because Harris supports the “bipartisan” “border” bill, she supports building the wall. The “bipartisan” “border” bill (that gives more money to Ukraine than anything having to do with OUR border) reduces the funding for construction. It also doesn’t fund complete construction. But because there is a dollar amount in the “bipartisan” “border” bill and journalsmers have no self-respect, that makes it truthy enough to say she supports building the wall.

The same Kamala Harris who thinks (or thought) that illegal immigration is not an emergency.

The same Kamala Harris who thought (or thinks) that building the wall is a vanity project that doesn’t work.

If nothing else, at least she’ll be sitting down with the media by the end of the month. That way we can get to the bottom of…

…I literally just ran out of words.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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