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There has never been a time where a Democrat has vowed to lower taxes and done it, at least since probably Kennedy was in office. Additionally, most things Dems promise during election season are a lie, as they will make up anything to buy votes. And the worst part about Harris copying Trump’s no tax on tips idea is not that she never plans to do it, it’s that she already dedicated an army of IRS workers to go after that.

The Trump campaign just released an ad reminding service workers how the Biden-Harris administration sent an army of IRS agents to go after tips.

According to Americans for Tax Reform:

The Biden-Harris IRS created a new program last year to put the screws to tipped workers despite the Biden-Harris pledge against increased IRS audits on Americans making less than $400k per year.

This IRS crackdown on tipped service industry workers was announced just months after the Biden-Harris administration and congressional Democrats spent $80 billion to increase the size and power of the IRS while including zero new taxpayer protections.

The Biden-Harris IRS chief did not provide an answer to the question of how many tipped workers make more than $400,000 per year and thus somehow deserved heightened IRS audit scrutiny.

In other words, they lied when they claim the middle class would not see an increase in taxes and they are lying now when they claim there will be no taxes on tips.

Not only are her claims disingenuous, but the entire DNC was intended to gaslight people into believing that being poor is the morally justified thing to do and that having money is evil. Even though that was all said by people with more money most Americans couldn’t even dream of it.

So when Michelle Obama tells Americans her parents were “suspicious” of rich people, while having a net worth of $70 million, she’s lying. And when Kamala claims she won’t tax tips, she is also lying.

There is nothing more infuriating than a bunch of millionaires telling you making ends meet is wrong while advocating for policies that will make sure you don’t make ends meet.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com