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Border czar Kamala Harris has spent her entire political career making sure no human is illegal, while Americans suffer. It’s unclear how many victims of crime there will be before this woman gets a grip, but that won’t happen anytime soon.

Trump blasted Kamala’s radical illegal immigration extremism, which is why she refuses to run on record. The policies she promoted under her watch resulted in Americans suffering because of her foolish ideology.

In one instance, Kamala released an illegal who committed a drug crime while DA in 2008. Had he been locked up or deported, he would have never been able to commit the brutal, violent assault against an innocent woman.

“As D.A. of San Francisco, Kamala Harris was the Godmother of deadly Sanctuary Cities, which set loose illegal alien criminals rather than hand them over to ICE. Under a program Kamala set up, an illegal alien arrested on drug charges in 2008 was set free to enjoy job training. A short time later, that same illegal alien attacked 29-year-old Amanda Kiefer, stealing her purse and fracturing Amanda’s skull,” Trump said.

How many more Americans will have their skull fractured before the Dems stop defending criminals?

Unfortunately, people were not able to recover from crimes committed because of open borders, and the late Jocelyn Nungaray should be here today.

The fact that Kamala wants to pretend she is tough on border crime, while being in charge of all of that, is telling. Especially because they have the nerve to blame this on Trump, who is not the border czar.

Not only has the White House been flying migrants all across the country, but they award them with free <a href="https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/r/entryeditor/<blockquote%20class=%22twitter-tweet%22%3E<p%20lang=%22en%22%20dir=%22ltr%22%3EPRESIDENT%20TRUMP:%20Every%20year%20under%20<a%20href=%22https://twitter.com/hashtag/ComradeKamala?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%22%3E#ComradeKamala</a%3E,%20a%20new%20all-time%20record%20for%20illegal%20immigration%20has%20been%20set.<br%3E<br%3ETo%20get%20illegals%20into%20America%20as%20fast%20as%20possible,%20Harris%20has%20flown%20hundreds%20of%20thousands%20by%20airplane%20over%20the%20border%20and%20into%20our%20towns.%20She%20has%20even%20launched%20a%20smart%E2%80%A6%20<a%20href=%22https://t.co/idokLSxLuf%22%3Epic.twitter.com/idokLSxLuf</a%3E</p%3E%E2%80%94%20Trump%20War%20Room%20(@TrumpWarRoom)%20<a%20href=%22https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1826714502949117962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%22%3EAugust%2022,%202024</a%3E</blockquote%3E%20

smartphones. Before becoming VP, she claimed she wanted to abolish ICE and give illegals free healthcare. After that, she became the border czar and oversaw the worst immigration crisis in American history.