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On average, Orcas swim nearly 140 miles a day. This is why it’s nothing short of animal cruelty to keep Kshamenk, an Orca at the Mundo Marino aquarium in Argentina, locked up in a tank smaller than most pools. Subsequently, animal activists are calling on the government to free Kshamenk.

Kshamenk also had a tank mate who died 20 years ago, meaning he has been alone for over two decades.

It’s cruel because these are extremely smart animals who spent their lifetime swimming in a massive ocean. It would be equivalent to you being locked up in a closet alone for 20 years. The poor whale is probably going insane and it’s unclear how he has survived this long.

Kshamenk is one of God’s creatures and we should still treat him as best as possible, not lock him up for absolutely no reason.

It’s possible he might not be able to survive in the ocean after being in captivity this long, but the poor whale cannot even turn around. Kshamenk has been in that tank since before I was born and it’s unimaginable what the poor guy is going through. He deserves much better than this.

According to The Daily Mail:

Kshamenk – previously described as ‘the world’s loneliest Orca’ – was first brought to Mundo Marino in 1992 after being captured off the Samborombón Bay on the coast of Buenos Aires.

According to the aquarium, the then three-year-old orca was found beached on the bay by three fishermen along with three other killer whales.

Kshamenk was then taken to his concrete tank at the aquarium, where he has spent the last 32 years.

It’s unclear why this is the first time many people are hearing of this but it needs to end.

A spokesperson from the organisation said: ‘We continue to work with Argentinian activists and members of Congress to try to highlight and address his cruel world.

‘He needs to be removed from his tiny concrete tank and to join other members of his species before it’s too late.’

The aquarium still has time to correct this issue before further damage is done, he deserves a life with other whales and hopefully, the government can end this “torture.”