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Forget about all the smog that corporate media is belching. Kamala Harris is still a ditz. Her sidekick, Tim Walz, is a progressive Minesota Fats. He’s all about the hustle. He’s a guy who stole valor thinking he could trade it for a beer. The Kamala that we’ve come to know is being memory-holed — or so our hubristic betters hope. For them, like The Fly, something new is aborning. Spinning sellable narratives depends first on the old Kamala disappearing.

Corporate media’s pollsters are hired to massage numbers as needed. Number massaging is crucial. Kamala vying with Trump in the polls — in fact, leading him by a tittle in this or that battleground state sample — is necessary to bolster whatever narratives her handlers confect. It’s self-reinforcing. Those tight polls also serve as mighty good cover when ballot-counting starts in garden spots like Philly and Detroit.

Blank slate Kamala can be filled-in as perky but not cackling. She’s a woman who bakes, not barks. She strained her widdle eyes studying the southern border for nearly four years, and now she’s got an idea: she’ll close it. She’ll eat Walz’s “white guy tacos” to be a good sport. She’s Florida from Good Times until the Indian vote matters, then she’ll flip to some Bollywood persona.

Oh, there’s one indispensable carryover from old Kamala. She still thumps podiums and pontificates that a woman has a right to kill her baby in her womb. To celebrate the new Kamala’s ascension, Planned Parenthood has a mobile vasectomy and abortion unit at the Chicago convention. If you’re a guy delegate, why get snipped when your delegate girlfriend is ready to hop in the van for a quickie abortion? Abort-mobile is so… so Nazi-inspired.

Reinventing Kamala is as if Willie Brown took his erstwhile paramour to Stepford and traded her in for the perfect model. The Rayovacs come with the deal. But, alas, overcoming old Kamala isn’t so easy — nor is it likely to succeed. Too much of Kamala’s baggage sits on carousels scattered across social media. Reams of video of Kamala being her buoyantly harebrained and extremist self are safely with alternative media and opposition researchers. Her grating nasally inflection and cackles echo in people’s minds.

And wouldn’t you know it, her handlers had an itch they couldn’t resist scratching. That scratching is triggering the unspooling of the meager success they’ve enjoyed in remaking Kamala.

Rather than copycatting Trump’s position on inflation, like Kamala’s handlers did on tips, they’ve defaulted to a ruinous dodge: price controls, though they claim they just want to stop price gouging. As for tips, forget that old Kamala supported siccing entirely new regiments of gun-toting IRS agents on taxpayers, including tip-dependent waiters and waitresses.

From Kamala’s mouth just came a bold, statist declaration: Price controls — err, going after gougers — are the cure for inflation. Forget — please — that price controls didn’t work for Nixon and more draconian measures sure as hell didn’t work for the Soviets. Still, the high price crisis begs redirection, which is gladly supplied by bright, distinguished, socially inbred, Marxist Ivy League profs.

Price controls work because they’re part of command economies, claim the commies. Case closed. Never mind that repeated experience demonstrates that widespread misery follows in the wake of governments dictating prices. True believers always eschew hard realities. The believers believe that price controls will work this time because they’re sharper than their forerunners. You can bet your collector’s edition of Das Kapital on that.

Old Joe’s and old/new Kamala’s profligate spending and the Fed’s money printing to paper over the costs have driven up groceries, gas, and utilities prices. The other cause is hog-tying domestic energy production. Higher energy prices spur higher prices across the economy. There’s a lot more oil and gas in them thar hills, but Joe and Kamala would rather that we rely on useless giant windmills, which grind up eagles and seagulls.

The Stepford version of Kamala is being coronated in Chicago as you read this. Palace intrigue waylaid old Joe in favor of the Cackler, but a coup is democracy’s New Way. Minnesota Fats is tasked with putting down his whiskey sour long enough to carry his liege’s robe so it doesn’t drag the floor. If the Trump campaign and pro-Trump super PACs are on their games, during the festivities, they’re launching ads and media avails like fleets of weaponized drones.

A key to a big Trump victory — and Trump needs big battleground wins to rise above the margin of theft — is indefatigably contrasting Kamala with herself. To beat the gaslighting — and it’s beatable — voters must see that after opening the hood, the new Kamala is every bit the same jalopy; the same vacuous dunce punching above her weight. She’s the leftist toy soldier — just wind her up and off she goosesteps. The nuclear football is a fumble away in her hands.

Four years of President Kamala would be an extension of Puppet Joe’s presidency, though Kamala’s overlord Barack Obama may decide to accelerate the timetable to transform America. Why not? If Barack and his conspirators can get Willie Brown’s ex-squeeze elected, then why wouldn’t they think themselves unstoppable? Globalism — which teeters between corporatism and fascism — here we come.

Along with deconstructing Kamala, welding her to every failure produced by the Biden-Harris regime is critical. Since Kamala was crowned border czar, it’s fitting and proper that she be made to wear that catastrophe like a hairshirt. The open border is an act of treason — yes, treason, though most voters may shrink from that weighty charge. But they’ll entertain facts.

Democrats premeditatedly threw open the southern border to benefit themselves politically. They tally the damage done as the cost of doing business. Our cost, their business. Their well of constituents and voters needs replenishing. American Hispanics are proving to be uppity. No fugitive slave laws exist to keep black males from bolting the Democrat planation.

Mark these words — crime, disease, cheap labor, and welfare dependency haven’t begun to slam communities across the republic with full force yet. New Kamala’s pledge to close the border is as airy as the cavity between her ears. She deliberately stonewalled the issue throughout her vice presidency to ensure that illegals kept flocking in. A flood will become an illegals tsunami if this counterfeit assumes the presidency. Shoving this brazen volte-face down Kamala’s gullet would be a blow for truth and play a key role in electing Trump.

Pinning down the new Kamala isn’t tough. After all, the failures are aplenty and her contradictions stick out like sore thumbs. The Trump campaign is tasked with making sure independent voters pay attention to those big, sore thumbs hanging out there. Kamala’s handlers will keep amping up the gaslighting hoping against hope that their gambits trump Trump. They’ll strain to dodge, duck, lie, and misdirect to keep voters from seeing the fraud they’re trying to foist on the nation — a fraud greater than they pulled off in 2020.

This election needs to be about Trump fixing the mess Democrats created — certainly, but it definitely needs to make integrity and trust centerstage. As is, neither comes easily for Kamala. It’s Trump’s job to seal the deal.

J. Robert Smith can be found at X. His handle is @JRobertSmith1. At Gab, @JRobertSmith. He blogs occasionally at Flyover.

Image: AT via Magic Studio