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Joe Biden got rolled out for one last angry old man rant last night. He ran through the list of easily debunked lies (very fine people, injecting bleach, he’s not angry, etc). But the most maddening one is his claim that he and Kamala fought to reopen schools during the pandemic. There aren’t enough dicks in the spin class Kamala Harris’s husband takes Tim Walz to before brunch for Biden to choke on with this.

We can NEVER forget how Harris-Biden Democrats sold out our kids to the teacher’s unions over and over and over again. Led by head union thug Randi Weingarten.

The teachers’ unions colluded with the CDC to keep schools closed. They were busted rewriting the guidelines that kept your kids in masks. Masks, mind you, that Weingarten KNEW impeded learning.

During the pandemic Randi, her union goons, and the Democrat politicians she gives millions and millions of dollars to:

Anytime Democrats try to rewrite history about this it needs to be pushed back on. To have everything in one place, you should make sure to bookmark these two Twitter threads:

Note: Bedingfield works for CNN now. It’s not unlike how Jen Psaki works for MSNBC.

The left is going to do anything they can to lie, gaslight, and convince YOU that they aren’t to blame for the suffering that went on during the pandemic. And they will do so with the full support of legacy media. Legacy media that, while you were struggling to make ends meet and make sure your kids didn’t fall behind, never missed a paycheck.

Their attempts to do so need to be called out as bullsh*t EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Make sure this decrepit old advertisement for homeschooling remains at the top of your list.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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