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An obese, purple-haired man lectured the Oshkosh School Board about gender, while not knowing what gender is, and demanded the masses affirm him and the children he pretends to protect.

The Oshkosh School Board discussed amending Title IX regulations, which may involve the district losing $5.5 million in federal funding if it fails to pass. This is because the new regulations may “include gender identity, sexual presentation and pregnancy in the definition of sex-based discrimination,” according to NBC 26.

Behold: The leftist version of “compassion.”

Firstly, the fact that he complains that the board “does not know what gender is” is comical, naive, and delusional. This is a man who thinks his indescribable feeling is gender but also cannot even describe that feeling. He also claimed that transexual and transgender are not the same thing when the literal definition of transexual is “denoting or relating to a transgender person, especially one who has undergone gender reassignment.”

Additionally, if gender and sex are two different things, why does one need to transition to the opposite sex to affirm their gender?

He also claims he will not accept anyone using pronouns he disapprove of, but fails to elaborate on how he will force people to acquiesce to his deranged demands.

And what makes him the authority to “have a voice” for kids “under 18?” I hardly doubt he even has kids, and anyone who looks like that and is demanding sex changes for kids is not someone who should be allowed in schools.

At one point, we used to call this “grooming.”

He then claims to have gone to a Christian college but in the same breath, notes that none of his doctrine classes “only mention male and female.” But I guess he never studied Genesis, as it says, “Yet, male and female He created them”. He also said that the board does not have the right to force their beliefs onto him, yet fails to see the contradiction of him demanding the board affirm his beliefs he can’t even explain.

That said, there is nothing more evil than progressives committing social experiments on kids.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com