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Kamala has done a lot of evil things throughout her political career. Firstly, she violated inmates’ rights by keeping them past their release dates to use them as cheap labor. Secondly, her office fabricated a confession and produced the fake transcription to try and lock someone up for life for a crime he did not commit AND then defended those acts when caught. Thirdly, she locked up a lot of people for crimes that were not actually crimes, which ended up hurting mostly minorities.

But the worst thing may have been when she laughed at an innocent man convicted of murder after police framed him.

Actor Jamal Trulove is speaking out about how Kamala “busted out laughing” after he was convicted of a crime he didn’t commit.

According to The Daily Mail:

Jamal Trulove was sentenced to 50 years in prison after he was framed by police for the 2007 shooting of his friend Seu Kuka.

At the time, Harris was the District Attorney for San Francisco and was responsible for securing the conviction.

It was overturned after Trulove spent six years in jail and he was later awarded a $13.1 million settlement from the city.

Kamala cost the City of San Francisco over $13 million in tax dollars for just one case. Just imagine the total cost of her entire political career. It’s unfathomable how much damage this woman has done.

But Trulove told The Art Of Dialogue talk show that he has been unable to shake Harris’ cruel taunt from his mind.

‘We locked eyes this one time, and she laughed,’ he said. ‘She literally just, like, kind of busted out laughing. ‘Almost as if she was pointing like, ‘ha-ha’, she didn’t point, but that’s how it felt.’

‘Almost as if she was pointing like, ‘ha-ha’, she didn’t point, but that’s how it felt.’

It’s unclear why she breaks out in hyena-like cackles the moment people look at her but that does not make her any less evil, as the media desperately tries to frame her awkwardness as innocence.

I can’t tell you if she knew he was guilty, although that wouldn’t be surprising. However, serious attorneys don’t laugh at people in court when given a life sentence. Even when it’s justifiable, a sense of relief from justice is typical, not uncontrollable giggles like the clown she is.

Kamala’s political career started because she is not the kind of girl you bring home to mommy. And she has done a lot, and I mean a loooooooot of unethical things as she climbed the political ladder. But if anything is clear it’s that she does not care what she has to do or who she has to hurt as long as she becomes the most powerful person in the world.

As the POTUS, her only job is to protect your freedoms but that would likely not even be a thought, as her desire for power is uncontrollable, which is why the only thing worse than Biden not being in charge is Kamala pretending to be.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com