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We’re finally getting Kamala Harris to announce an economic plan, and so far it’s as bad as expected. The goal was to claim she doesn’t believe anything she believed in 2020 because “her White House experience helped change her mind.” Instead, we’re getting MORE of the failed policies of the Harris-Biden regime. Yesterday, it was price controls. Today, she wants to increase the cost of homeownership by “helping” people buy homes.

There is a reason why Democrats want you distracted by “vibes” and “joy.” And apparently white people tacos.

When Kamala rolls out her economic plan, she is going to give people money to buy a home.

This only makes homes at least $25,000 more expensive. This isn’t a theory. We literally saw it happen in 2022 when the Harris-Biden White House handed out taxpayer dollars to buy electric vehicles.

It was all thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. The same bill that a) didn’t reduce inflation, b) was never meant to reduce inflation, and c) Joe Biden has since admitted he lied about reducing inflation. Tucked away in the bill, along with 80,000 new IRS employees to target the middle class, was a $7500 handout if you used it to purchase an electric vehicle.

And you’ll totally believe what happened next.

One of the ways the bill DOESN’T fight inflation is by increasing government spending and giving Americans a $7500 tax credit if they buy a luxury electric vehicle. And in what I’m sure is nothing more than coincidental timing, Ford announced the cost of their EV trucks is increasing by $8500.

Psst, that’s a thousand more than the tax credit.

She’s going to give people $25k to buy a house they can’t afford. A house they can’t afford thanks to the Harris-Biden agenda, which has caused mortgage rates and the costs of everything involved in building and owning a home to skyrocket. Those unaffordable homes are now going to get AT LEAST $25k more expensive. Why? Because that’s what happens and what we’ve seen happen over and over again.

But, like, you know. VIBES or something.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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