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For the next eightyish days, Kamala Harris plans to say she doesn’t believe anything she used to believe anymore, claiming “her White House experience helped change her mind.” A plan that, even if you don’t think she’s lying (which she is), says that the Harris-Biden White House, where they passed Harris-Biden policies, “taught” her everything not to do. This must be her plan starting next week because her campaign announced her economic agenda… and it’s more of the failed Harris-Biden plan. Just with more “vibe” and “joy” and “brat.”

Here’s a preview.

Sorry, wrong tweet. The plan is to blame other people.

Ah, yes. The reason grocery prices are so high isn’t because of a Harris-Biden agenda that has made everything more expensive. It’s the fault of the corporations—so much so that she is going to use the federal government to attack them and control prices. Because, and this is key, government controlling pricing has been known to do wonders to bring costs down.

If Kamala’s “blame corporations” plan sounds familiar, it’s because it is…

Blaming other people is nothing new. In December 2021, when Biden policies caused a shortage of labor that impacted the price of meat, gas, and pretty much everything, the Biden Admin blamed it all on four meat companies. As Mike Rowe said at the time, “If you don’t blame greed, then you have to assume the responsibility that it’s the policies you’ve put in place.”

In the case of Canada’s walking pile of soy and hair goop blaming grocery stores for his policies, causing prices to skyrocket, and threatened to do something. The Retain Council of Canada offered a few ideas of what might help lower costs.

“The government could take a number of steps to make food more affordable, including temporarily removing the carbon tax from farmers, food processors, and distributors and canceling [the] government’s planned plastic packaging targets that could increase costs to grocers by $6bn a year.”

On a related note, do you remember the Inflation Reduction Act? The one that Joe Biden lied about ever reducing inflation, and that Kamala Harris BRAGGED about being the tiebreak vote to have passed?

The Harris-Biden regime has not only made everything more expensive through its agenda, but it has also made the things that you need to make, grow, and raise those things more expensive. Farmers (aka experts) have been warning about this.

Kamala Harris’s plan right out of the gate is more the same. Donald Trump’s response at the debate, if he’s allowed to ask a question, is simple. Have Kamala Harris explain how any of this works.

Then just let her talk.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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