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To all the “Republicans” for Kamala

Okay, so you’re saying that Trump doesn’t represent your values. That he isn’t as moral or ethical as you. If you want to start with that, okay, I’ll go with you.

He’s made some mistakes, certainly. And you can definitely point to those flaws. I’ll give you that.

But because Donald Trump isn’t as moral as you, you need to vote for the one candidate that can beat him?

The candidate that will guarantee abortion up to nine months? The candidate that will mandate price fixing. The candidate that will guarantee lock downs across your cities? The same candidate who has for three and a half years watched as our southern border has been invaded?

The candidate that will degrade our independence, squander our natural resources, and spend your money on foreign wars?

The candidate that will guarantee LGBTQ indoctrination in your schools and put a drag queen in every public library?

You are going to vote for a candidate who guarantees an America that doesn’t represent the values you claim to hold dear?

If you’re so puritanical you feel the need to not vote for Trump and sit this election out, I get it. I think it’s dumb. But I get it.

However, to vote for Harris and Walz, the guy who shut down churches and jailed grandmothers for running their businesses, how the hell are you a principled conservative? It’s stupid.

So let’s go through these principles that you claim Donald Trump has destroyed within the Republican Party. And if you are a true principled conservative, as these people claim to be, which reality requires you abandoned your principles more?

Trump on freedom of speech. Is he trying to actively remove all voices he doesn’t agree with from every Big Tech platform? Well Kamala Harris has been part of an administration that has worked to do exactly that.

Donald Trump doesn’t share your beliefs on abortion. He believes it should be left up to the states and there should be exceptions for rape, incest, and abortion. You may not, but that’s where he stands. Now take that vs. Kamala’s “principled” abortion up to and including birth. And taxpayer subsidized.

But Donald Trump infringed on the 2A when and banned bump stocks. Okay, that’s not perfect. But did he want an assault weapons ban? No. Magazine capacity ban? No. So now you’re going to vote for the candidate that supports a mandatory gun buyback? Truly conservative.

What about energy? Donald Trump turned us into a NET EXPORTER of energy for the first time in 75 years. Kamala’s administration shut down leases, and went begging dictatorships to drill more so they didn’t get blamed for high gas prices. Her administration shut down the Keystone Pipeline, but approved Russia’s Nordstream 2. What a patriot.

In Trump you have a candidate that supports school vouchers and more support for charter schools, and rewarding teachers based on performance, not tenure. Contrast that with Kamala who supports a teachers union that kept your children out of school for two years when they knew it was safe to go back. The same teachers union that is committed to distributing pornography in grade school libraries.

Who is this principled conservative? Liz Cheney? Adam Kinzinger? They are all just the useful idiot of the day to appear on CNN so they can hopefully sell a few more books.

Where are Kamala and Walz more aligned with your conservative values than Donald Trump?

Maybe someone can explain it to me, because I just don’t get it.

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