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The left can’t win by campaigning on the economy because they only create calamity. That is why they do everything in their power to convince Americans that caring about the cost of living is evil. And when that does not work they resort to gaslighting by claiming that inflation is a myth. But in reality, income impacts nearly every part of life, which is why leftist economic policies are reprehensible, at best.

Many Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck before Biden was in office. This is why the $12,000 increase to meet basic needs is extremely concerning, yet the best the left can do is pretend inflation is a myth. And when that does not work, they sort of do this thing where they pretend to care by campaigning against their own doing.

“My husband and I are considering selling our house and living in an RV because we struggle to pay our mortgage,” one American said.

Homeownership is part of the American Dream and it’s insane that the left has destroyed that. People should not have to deliberate if they should live in a vehicle or a residence. This should not be a thing.

“Last month, we ate corn on the cob for four days until we finally got our Social Security check.”

Living off corn is what people in third-world countries do and the left does not care that the middle class is being destroyed. Additionally, it’s pathetic that they pretend they are the anti-rich party, when they are undoubtedly the party of the rich, especially because they are responsible for the destruction of middle America.

“Our grocery bill is now $1000-$1500/MONTH.”

Remember when you could fill up your cart for $100? Those were the good old days. But the best the left can do is blame corporations with lies of “price gouging” instead of taking ownership of their foolish economic policies.

Why is it EVERYONE’s fault except the people making laws?

These people cannot even name one good thing Kamala has done for the economy in her entire political career, and she is directly responsible for this mess because she was the tie-breaking vote that passed the Inflation Reduction Act. If it were not for her, things would not be this bad. So as much as she would like to blame Biden or Target or Snickers or whomever it is the campaign is blaming these days, the responsibility solely lies in her hands.

Trump is campaigning to have Americans keep more of their income while giving the government less, which is a major reason why the left hates him.

Things are infuriating and bad now but that will feel like nothing if Kamala is elected.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com