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Kamala Harris has pretended she did nothing and said nothing before announcing she was running for president, and the media has helped her every step of the way. Now, they are laying the groundwork to help her roll out “her” economic plan and pretend she had nothing to do with the last four years as Vice President of the United States.

First, a prologue: Karine Jean Pierre makes it clear there isn’t a daylight difference between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Curtis Houck from Newsbusters noticed THREE different news stories about how horrible the economy is. Of course, they didn’t tie it to the people who have been running the country for four years. But the fact they are admitting the same thing, all out loud and all at once, is curious.

Seems like quite the coincidence, until the news this morning that Kamala Harris plans to distance herself from Joe Biden’s economic policies:

While Harris is not expected to directly criticize Biden in public, a close adviser revealed to Axios on Wednesday that she intends to break away from his unpopular stances, particularly on inflation—a key issue in the current political landscape. This is part of a carefully choreographed strategy to redefine her as a different kind of Democrat.

Oh, it gets better.

The new approach is not just about distancing from Biden … but also about adapting and evolving her previous positions. Once a vocal supporter of Medicare for All and decriminalizing illegal border crossings, Harris has since shifted her stance on these issues.

Riiiiight. A different kind of Democrat.

Act One is the media acknowledging how horrible the economy is for people.

Act Two us Kamala claiming she’ll fix it “if elected,” and releasing an economic plan that is no different from Joe Biden’s plan, just using different words.

Act Three is the media acting like Americans are stupid and don’t know she WAS elected four years ago.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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