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The new talking point from Republicans who hate Trump so much they would vote for Kamala Harris is because they “care” more about the Constitution, which they claim is at risk if Trump gets reelected. Something something, January 6th, derpity derp, authoritarianism. They could just not vote at all. But to save the Constitution from Donald Trump, they are going to vote for radical Leftists who have shown nothing but animosity towards it. Most importantly, toward the First Amendment. Free speech.

There’s also the whole sending the legal system after anyone who disagrees with you politically thing and looking to destroy any institution they don’t control. But let’s stick with free speech.

Here’s what Kamala Harris thinks of people being allowed to say words she disagrees with.

Without Free Speech, you get the UK. A place where you can get arrested for social media posts. And why we keep saying, “Pay attention, America.”

If you give the Left in America enough power, it’s clear they would want to do the same here. In the UK, they brag about sending police after citizens for social media posts. Posts, like if you question the UK’s open borders policy, or the two-tier justice system where one tier barely gets a slap on the wrist for stabbings, but the other tier gets a visit from police for posting on Facebook about the stabbings.

And now they are threatening to arrest people IN AMERICA for what WE say on social media.

The European Commission so wants to censor any opinion on the internet they don’t like, that they sent a threatening letter to Elon Musk about interviewing an AMERICAN presidential candidate.

But we can all breathe a sigh of relief because we have free speech in America. Something that is frowned upon by *checks notes* the Washington Post.

A journalismer called on the White House to do something about what they call “misinformation.” Spoiler: it’s usually any fact that contradicts a progressive worldview.

Donald Trump isn’t the authoritarian. He’s what we have standing in the way of the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) in THIS COUNTRY living out their authoritarian fantasies.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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