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The only people excited to vote for Kamala Harris are trans men who are also gay and have been pregnant and also had an abortion but don’t want to lose their rights. Unclear how any of those are “rights” and how a person can be one thing but also its antithesis, but here we are in 2024, where insanity is more common than sanity.

The fear-mongering of “trans men” not being able to get abortions has been going on for quite some time now. This makes no sense because the amount of people claiming to be a trans man who are also seeking an abortion is probably not even a percentage of the population but the Harris campaign would be nothing without that voting base.

TENET Media asked voters, “Why are you voting for Kamala Harris?” Rather than discuss policy or lack thereof, a couple of “trans men” discussed their fears of losing “rights” that are not in any founding document.

Harris Rally Attendee: “I don’t want to lose my rights. Like I am a trans man and I’m gay and I have been pregnant and had an abortion before and I don’t want to lose that.”

In other words, she is voting for Harris because she is a woman who wants to get abortions. But if she worded it like that she would lose nearly all her victim points so she added some extra labels for flavor.

She can’t claim to be gay if she is just a woman, so she must be trans to add to the victimology, which basically means she’s straight but I digress.

She further claimed that America does not want her to look like that and it’s probably safe to say she does not even want to look like that. Respectfully, it’s unclear why she TRIES to make herself look less appealing but that’s neither here nor there.

The other voter claimed to have had an abortion as a minor and to say these two girls have issues would be an understatement. Most people go their entire life without having an abortion and these people want the “right” to have more in the future. That’s totally deranged and to vote solely on that is delusional.

Also, it’s pretty hilarious how they described their aesthetic as “alternative” rather than mentally unstable but she wishes for the “right” to express herself and “be herself”.

I am not sure how any of that is “good for the country” but that’s what these delusional voters believe and it’s also pretty clear they live with their parents and have not an ounce of responsibility. The price of groceries does not affect them because they vote based on things that are not even real. So rather than cast their ballot in the best interest of the country they would much rather do it based on ambiguous feelings that they cannot even describe.

And the left calls the right “weird.” Get real.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com