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It has been 17 days since Kambala has answered anything remotely comparable to a question from the press and the worst part about that is that the media does not even care.

Now please enjoy Vance trolling reporters for not asking Kambala why she refuses to answer to the people, while also admiring his future plane.

According to the New York Post:

“I figured I’d come by and, one, just get a good look at the plane because hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months, but I also thought you guys might get lonely because the vice president doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for 17 days,” Vance told traveling campaign reporters.

Vance, who spoke to the press after approaching Air Force Two, asked: “Have they given you guys an explanation for why she won’t take questions from reporters?”

The Ohio senator went on: “I’d love her to just answer what she wants to do and also explain why every single position she has has changed. She pretends to be a tough-on-crime prosecutor and yet here she is wanting to defund the police. She’s the border czar, yet she’s opened up the American southern border.”

When Kambala is not tossing word salad she is changing her tune depending on what crowd she’s speaking to.

Vance concluded, “This is a person who has to answer questions from the media and it’s disgraceful that she runs from you guys, and it’s also insulting to the American people.”

I would take it a step further and shame the media for not even pretending to care to do their job.

There is only one way Kambala has a chance this November and it has nothing to do with her accomplishments or political stance and everything to do with the media holding her hand and bowing down to her like she’s the second coming of Christ.

Besides the fact that the woman can barely put sentences together, she also has nothing original to say that is remotely appealing.

We all know Kambala cannot be unburdened to be burdened to get a different speech and you would think she has at least several depending on what crowd she’s talking to.

The most bizarre thing about Kambala is that she is not only one of the most radical politicians in the country but she’s also a puppet to the powers that be. So while she is beholden to deranged ideology she is also beholden to the establishment. And there is nothing more radical than that.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com